Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Caution! Great blogsite.Keep it that way

It's simple folks

1) It's Agoracom's board to administer they way they see fit.

2) Their rules of behaviour are very reasonable. Why not follow them for the priviledge of participating and seeing what others have to say? Some Posters have great info. We've already lost a few.

Remember, what you post on other boards reflects on what you post here. If you bash, insult others or are constantly negative on the other boards simply because they allow it, it effects the way bloggers here view your over-all post content. So don't be surprised when you're jumped on quicker than others here because we know your agenda.

Why would you insult someone or say something here that you wouldn't say in public directly to another poster? Don't hide behind the screen just because your identity is unknown.

It's a matter of debating facts or opinions, not personalties. We all know there will be downright bashers. After a very short while, don't you know who they are are stop giving their posts any credence? Why continue to respond to people who obviously aren't interested in our investment. It just invites more negative response. We're all here for one reason (I think)- to make money. Most of us are not happy with the timetable that has unfolded, but I doubt management is either. I'm a strong supporter of our Company as you know, but I appreciate negative or constructive criticisms and comments, not just on-going undermining and unfounded assault.

As an old-school, dying breed, non-facebook/non-twitter kind of guy, it appears some of these boards have very much become a centre for socialization, entertainment and commiseration (not to mention self-flagellation!). Me - I'm here to learn more about our Company and to make money and I actively follow those who share the same goals and will continue to follow them after CUU.

Sorry - I just completed my weekly review of SH and SI posts. Nothing to do with Storacle. Amazing how much the other boards look to us for solid opinion. So if you want to continue to participate, adhere to AG's rules. Or take it off topic or PM.

Now , about our Company for what it's worth ... I'm thinking the drill results will be very good because Elmer knows his craft, he just can't say anything without official results. I think there will be a Phase 2 by Teck but we will not be a part of it. Elmer has indicated that most probably management will review the results, examine several what-if scenarios as to our value (possibly involving a third party evaluator) and run them by potential interested parties. Depending on the responses, why wouldn't we go to Teck with a First Right of Offer, giving them 60 days to respond. After that, if Teck doesn't bite, we are free to sell our interest at any time and price in the future with no further obligation to Teck. Will that stop Teck from doing a Phase 2? Can't see it, even although it would make us more valuable. They need to finalize the pit design, decide on the daily tonnage volume and get the EA approved, and then get on with building the mine if they want to be in production within 4 years. Nothing is getting cheaper. Time to bring in their partner(s) and get it going. They won't let our 25% interest hold things up.

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