I agree. I have zero experience in drilling costs myself so cant really give a personal take on these costs being right or wrong. the rough cost estimates came from what Boxxer calculated for drilling costs for their Boss project. Here is exerpt from 2013 43-101 report for Boss project. I am just a messenger here (reposting) dyodd.
A second phase of exploration is proposed to follow in the footsteps of Phase I. Although Phase II exploration would be largely contingent upon the results of the first phase, it is forecasted to include up to 3,000 meters (10,000 ft) of core drilling. The objective of this drilling program will be to test surface exposures and geophysical anomalies at depth. Of particular interest will be the BE-1, BE-2, and BE-2N/BE-3/BE-4 group of anomalies. A budget of $1,700,000 is recommended to complete this phase of exploration.