I like a good timeline. (Or a good attempt at a timeline.)
I was going to look at it point by point, but I think you are wide of the mark in most of them because of your underlying assumptions.
You assume that the drilling in 2013 was not stellar, but perhaps it was good enough. That is, good enough on the technical drills to allow for a new pit plan.
If so, all your other points are off schedule. For example, the RE, FS could be underway and no further drilling is required. Teck could be doing pre-production work at SC that we don't hear about like building the roads, or cutting that first cleft down the mountainside.
Points number 4, 5, 6, & 7 may never happen under our ownership. I can't see Teck taking any steps that would markedly increase our share value like announcing a production decision, or producing a stellar FS.
Here's my timeline:
1. grey area where nothing happens, nothing is announced and nobody knows what is going on in SC, spring-summer 2014
2. Drill Results from AZ, spring-summer 2014
3. New PFS from AZ released to much fanfare, summer 2014
2. buyout SC, late summer 2014
3. Desert Fox spin-off, early fall 2014