Thanks for the invite CG, I'd like a ride, but only if I can have Possoms head set. for the moment I'm in Arizona and there isn't a puddle big enough to land in for a considerable distance.
It has been brought to my attention that YMs persistent enquires have resulted in complaints from Teck and the Taltans. what I percieved as youthful enthusiasm seems to be regarded as harassment by the people he's contacting. I'm going to ask him to tone it down and to deal with the company he's invested in, CUU, and I especially think aggrivating the natives we need to support our project is a very bad idea. I don't think pizzing Teck off is a good idea either.
In the future I hope he will balance off the benefits with certain of his inquires with the harm they could do. running thoughts thru the board, before acting, would benefit from the extensive experience we have here, and may head off some of the mistakes that could be made.
I don't wish to temper anyone's enthusiasm, but as a wise man once said to me, not all ideas are good ideas. maybe we could do a better job working together.
CG, when I get settled back up north I'll come and visit Trail for a day. I won't have any trouble finding a character like you in a town like that. I'll just enquire at the local beer parlor and try not to get stuck in there myself.. best to all..for the sixth time, your ex hub leader.......chunky