The presentation is different but I can't find the one from a few days ago--does anyone still have it? The current presentation is smaller.
I was wondering about page 2. Did the cash used to say that there was about $13 million in tax coming due? Now it is more vague. (Sorry about the formatting.) Is it possible there is an acquisition announcement coming before PDAC.
This is what they said on the Corporate Brochure dated the end of January:
--The company has a working capital of $12.5 million which includes $8 million cash.
•Significant exposure to copper and gold
•Geopolitical stable mining jurisdictions (Canada & US)
•Assets include Schaft Creek and Van Dyke, both undeveloped copper deposits with flexible expansion options
•Significant exploration potential
•Work programs in progress
•$7 million cash plus outstanding tax cash refund to be determined
•The company is looking to acquire, through Desert Fox, either equity or working interests in additional copper projects in North America