Called the office today and can confirm Teck requested to delay the JV meeting until "mid-October". No date in place yet. They requested this so they could compile the optimization studies and present what they have. They wrapped up their work at camp in August, presumably the other work relates to the other optimzation recommendations (metallurgical recoveries, etc.). I have no clue how long such studies take but I'm hoping that this completes this phase and we can being assigning new numbers of enhanced value to the project. Lynn also said that the numbers they get from Teck will be plugged into their own valuation, which will be done by Moose Mountain, who is "at the ready". can speculate further of course, in that an offer may be forthcoming, who knows? Something to ponder while we wait. Lynn said the office took the delay as a positive, as it would be worth waiting a little to get all of the information. She reiterated how closely Teck has kept its cards to the vest on Schaft Creek but also all the positives that Teck is interested in the project (Teckland purchases, $ spent when cutting everywhere else, NTL, BC Liberal gov't, etc.).