Here's an article about how Alaska is trying to become involved, or oversee, the Canadian environmental process. They are naturally worried about their salmon fishery. That doesn't mean they have the right to interfere with the business of Canada.
"We see this region for its salmon and cultural benefits, and it seems like northwest B.C., in the same region, looks more towards mineral development as being the best use of the land, so we see there's kind of a conflict going on here," said Archibald in an interview just prior to his convention address."
"[B.C.'s Energy and Mines Minister Bill Bennett] was trying to tamp down some of the bad press over the Mount Polleytailings disaster," said Archibald."
Well, there was a lot of bad press over Mt. Polley and a lot of it was untrue. At the end of the day the water that spilled consistently tested potable. The salmon were not affected.
Bennett travelled to Alaska, spoke to the annual Alaska Miners Association convention in Anchorage and met with state officials and fishing organizations.
Bennett said he was accompanied by Chad Day, president of the TahltanCentral Council, along with senior government environment and energy officials.
The Tahltan of northwest B.C. have explored mining developments with the province.