We could sell our credits to another company working in BC that would be able to use them to extend their claims. There are, however, rules about this.
If we sell our credits the other company would have to actually pay us for them, they are not transferred for free. The other company would have to do work on their own claims and then buy credits in order to renew their claims if they did not do enough work. They can only buy up to 30% of our PAC to top up their own work credits.
Am I understanding this right that they are 'credits' only useful for renewing claims in lieu of doing actual work?
Even if we still owned BC properties, it isn't actual cash available to do work such as drilling or studies, but the ability to not do work and still maintain the claims?
It is confusing. If Im missing something, please correct...
If I am understanding this correct, they could be useful for Carmax if we took them over and wanted to wait out the market for a while.