Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Re: Email to Elmer
Dec 01, 2015 04:57PM
Dec 02, 2015 01:48AM
Dec 02, 2015 11:45AM
Dec 02, 2015 11:52AM
Dec 02, 2015 01:03PM

Thanks for taking the time to contact Elmer and share your mail with us. Greatly welcomed.

I do not think for short term that this info will do CUU share holders much good thou

Elmer is stating that not everything is good. Which I think everyone could agree that things may take longer than expected.

I remember when Teck bought into this deal, I had said this will take some time.

I now think that this may take longer yet, when I say longer im talking in years.

I know that people wont like this but the way I see it....Teck has pulled in thier horns and cut back on work force etc....seems like they are in survival mode. They have obligations to companies but seems to me that they are only doing what is required to just cross that line.

Many things also have happened to slow that speedily buyout aswell IMO. The tailings dam burst.....global economy...etc. I think Teck is playing the slow right now.

The big thing that is on the horizion that MIGHT make Teck roll slower is the green house emissions. Canada is spear heading it....coal ....oil might be hit hard with taxes etc. Teck made a lot of money on coal.Teck does have other resources that they could spend more time on, but it will take time to see how all this will play out and how much more money will need to be spent on all of Teck`s responecabilities.

Teck`s profits MIGHT be cut back further, the share price might go lower.

Who knows, I said this before and people didnt like it ...but...could Teck be bought out?

Then what happens to us????

I guess time will tell, but I think we all can agree that mostly everything we see in the global markets are still going down.

1 thing that might be a plus for us.....if the reduction of green house gases is a tipping point. Then the world will need a lot more copper for windmills etc. That is something that we do have.

Good luck to all of us....fingers crossed

Dec 02, 2015 01:46PM
Dec 02, 2015 01:59PM
Dec 02, 2015 02:10PM
Dec 02, 2015 02:16PM

Dec 02, 2015 02:27PM
Dec 02, 2015 03:09PM
Dec 02, 2015 03:10PM
Dec 02, 2015 03:10PM
Dec 02, 2015 03:19PM
Dec 02, 2015 03:37PM
Dec 02, 2015 05:05PM
Dec 02, 2015 05:39PM
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