By your math Teck received 75% of SC , or $ 1.8 billion(3 X $600 MM) in value, in the JV deal. That cost Teck about $ 24 million out of pocket(1st cash payment and the port terminal), plus future payments and spending committments to an addiitonal $ 100 million. That's what Elmer and EE settled for. The most CUU could expect under the Salazar would be the spending committment in the 75% option, or about $ 352 million. I saw that as a floor price for CUU shares of at least $ 1.00 when conbined with the 25% portion of SC. They could still raise money to keep the company afloat via PP's, which they have been doing anyways since 2013. There is a wide spread between SC value estimates on this hub. We may get some answers soon. Is anyone else wondering if the delays are not due to haggling over the RE estimate but over the price for SC?