1 point increase in the exchange rate increases the NPV by 75M
1 point increase in copper price increases the NPV by around 50M.
1 point increase in gold price increases the NPV by around 25M
The base case gives us a NPV of 513M with an exchange rate of 0.97, copper price of 3.25$US & gold price of 1445USD.
Today, the exchange rate is at 0.80, copper price is 3.15USD & gold price 1280USD.
Exchange rate is up 18% compared to base case.
Copper price is down 3% compared to base case.
Gold price is down 11% points compared to base case.
513M + (18 x 75M) - (3 x 50M) - (11 x 20M) = 1.5B
1.5B x 25% divided by 417M shares = 0.90 per share.