This has turned into a painful rerun the last number of years.
Another year past and we're sitting here scratching our heads as to were our projects are at? Stalled out seems to be the theme. Elmer can't seem to get any traction on any front the Arz properties seem to on hold with licensing issues and location issues.
Teck has us so far down the Totem pole that I wounder if they even take Elmer seriously or look at him as a minion?
The only concrete work was we almost lost Caramax to pack of pirates because the mangement was asleep at the wheel.
I really struggle seeing Elmer getting anything completed forget about timelines. We're stuck in the twilight zone.
Why did we hire an independent third party to over see the work when Teck now says there issues with it?
This is beyond painful. I don't see an end game either. Further dilution will be coming soon as well.