Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. LOL If people followed that advice more they would probably have more success in investing and I am including myself for not taking this advice when I bought into all the half truths coming from CUU management over the years.
So let me ask all you longs that still remain invested in this dogshit of a company run by let's just say, a guy who's told shareholders nothing but info. that's turned out to be grossly inaccurate, are you surprised by what's happened with the PP? Everything Elmer has done has been to the benefit of himself and the board at the expense of shareholders.
As to those still fantasizing about an imminent deal that is going to rocket CUU's shareprice ask yourself, if that were the case, why offer an attached warrant to this PP??? You only do that if there is little demand for a PP and its harder to get a financing done. If a deal was imminent you would have an oversubscibed PP as the word gets out and there would be no need for an attached warrant. Believe your own eyes and not the BS.