In terms of extracting the metal from the ground, here are some numbers I was able to find.
For QB2:
- C1 cost (LOM): $1.37 US
- All-In-Sustained-Cost (AISC) (LOM): $1.42 US
For Schaft Creek:
- C1 cost (LOM): $0.71 CAD or $0.57 US (exchange rate at 0.80)
- Total cost (LOM): about $0.90 CAD more than the C1 cost or $0.72 US (exchange rate at 0.80)
- QB2 has an AISC of $1.42$ US
- SC has a total cost of $1.29 US (exchange rate at 0.80)
It's my understanding that the AISC does not include all the cost vs. the total cost, so Schaft Creek, with their conservative 2013 FS, seems superior for that aspect as well.
Lower cost = more profit per pound.
That's my understanding, but would appreciate any feedback confirming the above analysis makes sense.