Why do you always need to LOL at everything?
I think that, given the company's reputation and consistent track record, it is fair game to mock (with LOLs) the 24-7 optimists and pumpers here.
The greater the claim, the greater the onus on bearing great proof.
Claiming for years that Copper Fox shareholders should hold optimism is a very great claim, imo. So you should bring great proof! Mentioning, on copper-price 'Up' days, that higher copper prices will bring us a SC sale is reason to be optimistic ... well that doesn't cut it. They missed selling the project at the height of the last commodities super-cycle. What's any different now... except lower prices, a poison pill JV, a Jr punishing operator and a longer buy-develop-sell-repeat management track record...
Don't get me wrong. The world-class project is worthy of urgent red-carpet treatment. But it simply isn't happening because of the corner we have been painted into, and a management that has yet to show they have the skill set to sell anything, much less will power to get us out from under a rotten JV deal.
So yeah, unsupported optimism here deserves mocking.