- Lynn tells me everyone at the office is also patiently waiting for PEA results of Shaft Creek
i understand the holdup is a delay in "Post Tax " information?? It is still with Tetratech and two other contractors that are completing PEA
I asked if Teck had to approve the press release before going public with results.
i was told that Teck has been involved with this PEA all along and are up to speed ?
Lynn has told me they will run it by Tech before they release as they may want to make changes or suggestions
- btm line in my opinion the final PEA is still with Tetra Teck and two other contactors. Has not made it too Teck's desk yet X)@k
who nows how much longer this will take?
You folks may already know all this info
but thought i would post it anyway
have a great weekend