Your point about insufficient funds to complete all the expected programs is right on. I've been banging that drum since last spring. I emailed Elmer and asked about the chance of another pp at the annual meeting and was assured both times that calling the warrants gives them the cash to do what is needed up to the fall of 2023. I don't buy it. I hope that the delay is sale related but I've (we've) been burned before. As for theories how about the delay on the drilling results is because Teck is waiting for the meta reports to convince a third party to buy our 25% plus another 25% from Teck. Normally Teck would want to buy us out first but time is of the essence if they want to get into production to take advantage of the mid decade upswing in prices. That might explain why we have meekly gone along with Teck on their timelines. We knew they would position SC to maximize value for themselves and coincidentally for us.
Nah. Just a momentary delusion caused by the holiday season. Back to waiting...