The reason that this is taking so long at CF/Teck may be due to buy-out negotiations concerning SC.
That's been the purported reason for delays for a dozen years. Why even hire Jason back if a deal is potentially going to be done a few months later?
Let's face it, this is a company that just finds a way to bungle practically EVERYTHING. Meeting a deadline is something they very rarely ever do. Other than the modest dividend many moons ago, name a news release that came within the expected timeline AND caused the share price to move upwards accordingly. I know, it's hard to come up with even one such occasion.
I hate to be a downer but I cannot overlook reality and can't get my hopes up anymore. I'm well past that point.
Believe me, I would be ecstatic to cash out of this "investment" with a profit and lick my wounds after such a long, painful experience, but I won't feel relief until the money is in my account. Last time I felt a hint of exhilaration was when the SP inexplicably climbed over 60 cents in May 2021 but then nosedived again.
I wish you all of you long-suffering brethren happy holidays, I really do, but at 14 cents CUU won't account for any element of that happiness once again.