Like many of you, I was quite surprised with Lynn's appointment as VP. As far as I know CF has never had a VP, so why now all of a sudden?
For me its a toss-up call between either
- this promo-to-VP is part of a "golden handshake" thank you for Lynn's dedicated service in advance of a not-to-distant sale of the company where she may be shopping for a new job, or
- the promo-to-VP news is intended more so to send a message to someone i.e. "We're not desperate to sell of anything -- look -- we're digging in for the long haul".
I re-read the NR.
- "long-term" is splashed everywhere possible.
- And indicative of some sort of a change, "...important new aspect of our commitment...".
- And, the 'thou protest too much" moment for me was " ensure generations to come will benefit...".
That's a whole lot of over-the-top 'long term' verbiage in this message, imo...
So is this a true message of renewed long-term commitment as a going concern, or, maybe its just a smoke screen for something anticipated near-term?
Just thinking out loud.