Currently, what's fair is $850 million x 25%. So 200ish million USD.
Add the value of copper price, exchange rate, gold price etc.
What's really fair or at least the one I'm interested in is how much is Teck willing to pay. I want to know what is Teck willing to pay. Insiders can say they want $10 billion for this project but are we going to get that? Most likely not.
Right now the bigger picture is that Teck is completely out of met coal. Their earnings is going to take a beating. They literally lost 2/3 of their existing revenue basis. QB2 can fill it so much and the new P/E rating for pure copper play can help shareprice so much too. At a certian point, they need to make money and they need it to pay their shareholders. Teck needs to figure out what is the next copper project they want to invest into. The Americas in the south with iffy political jurisdiction or Canada?
You want Teck to be excited SC to get it going.