I mentioned this stock back in December when it was trading at $.12 and today it closed at
$.18 with over 7 1/2 million shares trading.
The author of the article spoke to the CEO and issued his personal thoughts on what the
potential is for Petromanas in his newsletter.
It is a risky investment with huge potential because if Molisht 1 hits as well it has the
potential of an oil field with 500-800 million barrels. That well should hit t/d in May if
everything goes to plan.
Appraisal plans and new independant resource estimate as required by TSX probably in
second quarter.
If anybody bought the day i mentioned it they would be up 50% today.
As far as i know this was an independant report because i saw no disclaimer that he was
paid by Petromanas but I have an inquiry into I.R. to confirm.
As far as outting people is concerned I will leave that to others as it does not concern me.
For the record I hold 459,550 shares of pmi. DYDD.