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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Hope this works out

I have a couple of thoughts on this. One thing is that both times Hugo was supposed to give a big speech and be near our area, possible announce something good, he got the flu. Help me out with this, it seems to me like he made most of his other big speech's. That could mean something.

I don't know of anything our man Cottin has done, and where is he know. I heard he was behind a grassy knoll.

I also thought I have read several times over the years that KRY could take legal action against Venezuela because of the agreements they have made.

After being in this over the years, I along with a lot of you have read about everything, I hope everyone just hangs in there, we have seen this before, we just haven't felt this much pain with the PPS.

I also remember reading several times the comment that Venezuela doesn't have the ability to set up and mine the gold. That they need outside help. That comment could go in several directions to include possibly setting the area up to be mined by another foreign company.

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