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Message: "Never going to disappoint the people"...

"Never going to disappoint the people"...

posted on Feb 22, 2008 06:43AM
"Never going to disappoint the people"
Friday, 22 2008
The Governor Francisco Rangel Gomez also said during his annual report to the management Cleb, who does not believe in any way that only the public sector can achieve the development of Guyana and that it is necessary to involve the private sector and political integration

Misael Briceño

Governor Francisco Rangel Gomez, presented the annual report of its management to the Cleb, where they did not think that only the public sector can achieve the development of Guyana, it is necessary private sector participation and integration políticaCon very hot popular met yesterday by the Legislative Council of Bolivar state, to hear the report of the report and accounts of the Governor Francisco Rangel Gomez, who gave a dense and lively speech that not only covered the enforcement of the Regional Executive for the year 2007, but that included a summary of the work displayed during his first three years of constitutional mandate and future prospects, based on the harmonious development model, based on axle hub that includes vital aspects relating to the safety, health, education, water, infrastructure, tourism, roads, transportation, agribusiness, mining and social inclusion.

Weather peace policy

In his message to the bolivarenses, Governor Rangel Gomez, emphasized the need to maintain a climate of "peace policy" to move forward over the differences that are normal in a democracy, but only through integration and unity can be continue solving the major problems to ensure the welfare of our people.

The meeting was called to the full chamber Cleb began at 10: 20 am, chaired by Mr Kamal Naim Naim, who suggested that given the importance of not reserved. 1 on the presentation of the governor, he postergaran other matters covered by the agenda item, which was accepted unanimously by the members present. He was appointed a commission composed of legislators Miriam Reyes, Morela Lamb and Guadeloupe Gonzalez to receive the agent Rangel Gomez at the gates of the Legislative Palace, where he was hailed by a crowd occupied spaces internal and external parliamentary precinct.

Leader of the revolutionary process

Kamal Naim, referred to the governor as "the maximum leader of the revolutionary process in Bolivar State" speech that gave rise to a general acclaim of those present, many of them carrying banners of greetings and support to the agent, who was accompanied by senior Officials of the authorities, including the General Secretary of Government, Ovany Aguirre; mayors Marlene Vargas, the municipality Sifontes: Luis Troconis, Cedeño, the president of the Municipal Heres, Leopoldo Nessi, the Secretary General of the Mayor's Heres, Luis Guzman, the president of Fedecámaras Bolivar Senén Torrealba, the president of CVG Cabelum, Ing. Carlos Azzari abigarrada and a multitude of political and social leaders of the various communities.

Ejecutoria unprecedented

After thanking the presence of all sectors, among which highlighted that of the journalists who said he had given management "a fundamental contribution," Rangel Gomez entered his comprehensive briefing supported by a job videos and publications print high quality and design, with figures, engravings and paintings showing an unprecedented historical record.

He recalled that since his arrival at the regional government on November 16, 2004, are not accustomed accountable to the people, noting that this constitutional duty is important because people have the right to be fully informed about what is being done and why is doing and where it is directed towards the state and the resources of the public purse.

Union of powers

He stressed that the degree of integration is maintained by the Legislative Council and the importance of going before the legislative body "to give a message of unity between the powers" of the region.

He said that the report that came to hand to analyze the deputies did not contain "not a single lie" and was subjected to criticism from the opposition, "which we accept and respect."

He stressed that the need to preserve the state in a relationship of harmony among all sectors. "I do not believe at all that only one sector can solve problems, we need the integration of all public authorities and the private sector because the challenge of maintaining the region is absolutely everyone," he said.

He has been working on the basis of a plan of government, without piraterías, because otherwise, without a management plan, "we would have continued to drift, loqueando with public money."

Socialism and popular power

Before quoting figures contained in the comprehensive report and the accounts presented, emphasized the social sense that is based on the principles of socialism and the people's power, stressing that many plays that have been made possible in depressed communities, were achieved with the effort, the hard work and dedication of the people in organized community councils and tables techniques, with extensive support from the president, Hugo Chavez Frias. "Never again are we going to disappoint the people's trust" between expressed applause Governor Rangel Gomez.
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