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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: The bottom line gentlemen.....

The bottom line gentlemen.....

posted on Mar 04, 2008 09:11AM

Since this may be my last post (although I hope that is not the case) I will make it good. Always believed in going down in a blaze of glory.

Boss put up the cease and desist regarding Chris, but I'm not gonna leave the issue alone without defending his honor. Chris is one of the finest longs KRY has. Before coming to this forum he was the strongest and most loyal long on the Yahoo board. He has put up with countless crap over there and yet continues to encourage and support this position. The guy has one flame out over a decline in share price and he is now being attacked and his character and loyalty questioned.

The bottom line is....we are here to make money. With a position like KRY and the wait we have all had to endure that will include shorting or buying puts. So now we are going to attack the traders who see an opportunity while we wait for the permit???? Vegas is a smart man. He has a mean mouth and a short fuse but he is a smart trader. He has made money up and down this stock. There are some of us who say hello to him and ask for his opinions from time to time, myself and Chris included. Does that mean we get thrown off a board that was set up to gather information and encourage discussion regarding the ups and DOWNS of this stock?

I have posted a few times in the last week but have followed the posting here daily. Chris has contributed quite a bit. It would be a shame to throw the guy under a bus because he is questioning management and is tired....YES TIRED of the same old traps and patterns. He is entitled to an off day boys....we all are.

I apologize if I offended anyone. If we cannot speak our minds in a respectful manner here then what is the purpose of this forum? Are we any better then the place we came from? There are good people.....real good traders still on Yahoo and I am very proud to say I am one of them.


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