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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Email exchange with RM

Email exchange with RM

posted on Mar 05, 2008 07:50AM
Sheesh, you would think he could at least confirm or deny if GT spoke to a reporter ... Richard, I would like to get your comment on a Bloomberg article from this morning. Here is the link: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601082&sid=abnCJDnN0gms&refer=canada Can you tell me if this is true, that is, did Mr. Thompson speak with the reporter and does the article accurately reflect the LC permit situation/status. If so, it would explain a lot. I look forward to your response to this news article. Sincerely, XX Nothing has changed with our position or expectation. We have been advised in all meetings that the requirements for the issuance of the Las Cristinas environmental permit have been fulfilled and that it's a matter of time for the permit being issued. Clearly we have expected a more timely process since the approval of the EIS last summer and the payment of the Bond and Environmental Taxes. We believe their attention (or that of the Minister) has been on other unrelated issues and Las Cristinas and other Bolivar State Projects have not been high on the agenda. We hope that Minister Sanz, who has been appointed Minister of MIBAM and President of CVG, will elevate these projects and the Bolivar State Agenda at the National Level and break any log jams. We expect the Permit to be issued and believe it's a matter of time. Regards, Richard Marshall
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