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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: any thoughts on this?

any thoughts on this?

posted on May 03, 2008 03:21AM
Mail of the Caroní

Miners raise highway pole to Brazil
Saturday, 03 of May of 2008

The miners who maintained closed the route to Brazil obtained that the regional authorities guaranteed his to them estadía in the mines of the Claritas, of the project the Cristinas, after more than 24 hours of protest in the Main 10.Representantes of the Ministry of Basic Industries and Mining, Police of the state Bolivar, Defensoría of the Town and the National Guard, mediated with the demonstrators and indicated that until as much there is not a definition of which will become in the zone with the new ordering for the mining will be suspended the evacuations.

Natalie Garci'a (Sent special)
Photo William Urdaneta

Although there were moments of tension, in the end the calm reigned and the step was opened about the 1:00 of late of this Friday, when little by little the demonstrators began to let pass to the catched ones in the tail, many of them with more of a day of delay.

During this period it had such one or two incident between miners, whom they tried to radicalize his conduct by the presence of the authorities. On the other hand, a group of the demonstrators made flexible itself so that once and for all the tourists and workers could go until their destiny.

Supposed evacuations
Pain is worth to remember that the closing of the international route until Brazil began Thursday in answer to presumed evacuations ordered by the Office of the public prosecutor Twelfth of Santa Elena de Uairén, that would have given twenty-four hours to eleven miners so that they left the zone, otherwise would be stopped.

Such order of the Public Ministry was denied by the Defensoría of the Town, that informed that the office of the public prosecutor had not emitted order some, but citations that nothing they had to do with the mining evacuations.

The commander of the Police, Julio Caesar Manzulli Sources, commissioner of the Interior, commented that there will be no evacuations until as much pronounces the Mibam, on the other hand will verify the retention of several motors to the miners, who remain in the position of the GN, located in kilometer 88. "we are guaranteeing its right to the work and its right to Them to the life, in addition the support for defensoría will occur them to the miners legal that allows to solve its particular case".

In charge TO5
It informed Manzulli Sources that effective from the Theater of Operations Nº 5 will take the safekeeping, so far, of the project the Cristinas along with the GN that was until this Friday the absolute one in charge of the security on the part of the organisms of the State.

In the middle of the confusion of the miners it was clarified that everything must remain in calm so that the Mibam can review the contract of Crystallex, company with which the CVG subscribed an agreement for the concession of the deposit of the Cristinas. With the revision of such aspects they will begin to take measures that soon will be announced, by the moments the Canadian company must leave calm the miners, because otherwise they will rely on the consequences, revealed the engineer Luis Herrera, national director of Control of Mines of the Mibam and president of CVG Minerven.

The mayoress of Sifontes, Marlene Vargas, also was present to support to the miners and to put to her order several jurists who will help them to solve the legality of their processes, many of which were opened by denunciations of the transnational one, which not yet they have the permissions of operation of the auriferous material.

Sources near this company indicated that several of their managers left in dispersed east Thursday in view of a new confrontation.

A respirito
In conclusion the miners obtained the cease of the legal processes until certain aspects are reviewed, also considered the commitment to verify their situation and the possibility of settling down zones where they can remain, without a new conflict is generated, thing that the Mibam is going to avoid at all costs.

He is possible to stand out that the Mibam is working in a new plan of mining ordering that establishes the exit of all the mineral orerators and the concessions that are as much in the river basin of the Caroní river like in Imataca Mountain range, where will be removed definitively the mining like part from the preservation of the atmosphere.

Spokesmen of the miners expressed that they are shared in common with Carlos Chancellor, who as they protested in September of 2005 and were prisoner, remaining nowadays imprisoned in Ordaz Port.

They also indicated that they are not the guilty of the environmental damages that Crystallex attributes to them, since they have been relavando the material used for more than thirty years, reason why request to remain in the zone as it remembered with the authorities.

Respect of the rights

Many of catched in the pole of this Thursday and Fridays are in agreement with the reclamation of the demonstrators. Nevertheless, they demanded more respect so that this type of protest does not generate the damages to them caused during this long weekend.

Andrés Farias. Worker of Friosa. "I am here from yesterday (Thursday) to the 1:00 of afternoon and the truth as well as the miners have their right we have ours and are going to be respected, as well as they want and need their food I I must take mine until the house".

Oscar Gavas. Of the municipality Great Savannah. "We come from Santa Elena and until now anybody he has come to solve the problem, if they are really going them to take care of that they do it because we are worse and we do not have any change, everything is a lie and here nobody comes to help".

Elsy Albarrán. Tourist. "We are of Ordaz Port and we go to the Great Savannah, the truth one comes to enjoy and one is with this, at noon clear he is that the miners have their right to declare but we also we have it and we are from (Thursday) and is not far from easy this yesterday".

Liuva Gilale. Tourist. "he is not right this that happens, here there was people until of San Cristóbal, but those that come from distant spot as well as they also have right and we to the free transit and more in an international highway. In addition they do violence to the rights of the children not to let to us pass ".

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