I hope KRY makes a break above $3 so I can short the daylights out of it.
[Bill Cara note: That would surely disappoint "no_bear".
I hear that I disappoint “no_bear” – not that I care. I was sent this message from one of the chatrooms I would never waste my time reading:
> Re: Dissapointed (sic) in Bill Cara
> Posted by: no_bear on May 13, 2008 08:53AM
> Cara is worthless -- he was just pissed that they fired his buddy Todd. He was very positive up until then.
We cannot stop people from expressing their opinions, when based on fact or not.
The truth is I always avoided KRY because of the promoters, but after I watched Todd Bruce on TV, I arranged a personal meeting and brought along a world-class mining analyst. Todd didn't know us from Adam, but he spent two and a half hours in his boardroom answering every question we put to him. There were no holes. The man was a professional. I changed my opinion and called it potentially the 'stock of the year'. That did not mean I was changing my opinion of the promoters.
Todd and I are in no way 'buddies'. We have met in business maybe four times, and have never done a deal together. Having respect for a person's track record, experience, intelligence, and ability to communicate, does not automatically make people buddies.
Neither Todd Bruce or I are the problem with KRY. The person who called me 'worthless' should look himself in the mirror. What he's likely to see is an adolescent who needs to grow up. Does this bother me? If you think so; then you don't know me.
I know where the scales are tipped when stacked with my contributions to society versus those of this person called 'no_bear'. ]