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Message: More Environmental Posturing

More Environmental Posturing

posted on May 28, 2008 06:33PM

From: http://www.rnv.gov.ve/noticias/index...


Plans will be monitored and control
La Tortuga island that is converted into tourist product
It is the position of the whole of the Standing Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and spatial planning, who pledged to remain vigilant in seeking to develop tourism plans in this area citing economic reasons.
Prensa Web RNV/Prensa Asamblea Nacional Web RNV Press / Press National Assembly
28 Mayo 2008, 06:32 PM May 28, 2008, 06:32 PM
Aumentar Increase Disminuir Decrease

Diputado Earle Herrera (Foto: Prensa AN) Deputy Earle Herrera (Photo: AN Press)
The Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and spatial planning agreed to go ahead with the report on the irreversible damage caused in the island of Tortuga, and the proposal to request the declaration of Natural Monument or Nature Preservation Area, considering unacceptable that is converted into tourist product.

At the regular meeting on Wednesday, the chairman of the parliamentary body, Earle Herrera, said that tourism plans for federal agencies, particularly the island of Tortuga, will be monitored and control by the National Assembly.

The parliamentarian who spoke last Tuesday in the full committee held a meeting with the Deputy Minister of People's Power for Tourism, Ruben Gonzalez, during which heard plans for tourism development for this area.

"In our view, federal agencies should not look as tourist destinations, but as geo-strategic space, it is a facade to the Caribbean, and in this regard must be very careful with what is planned."

He explained that on that island began plans to build a road, which caused irreparable environmental damage according to the technical report conducted by the special commission appointed by the National Assembly.

The concern stems from the value of these islands, which in addition to the landscape, have a natural monument of great archaeological riches, as well as its environmental fragility. "We will continue discussing with authorities and agencies, but suggest that any activity should start preserving the environment and ecological riches of the nation for the enjoyment of present and future generations."

He commented that none of the parliamentarians see federal agencies destinations as generators of foreign exchange, much less as a product for marketing, considering that the country has sufficient resources to meet their needs.

He gave the example that the President of the Republic stopped the exploitation of gold in the Las Cristinas mine, state of Bolivar and terminate the contract with the company and Cristalex preferred that wealth stay there for the environmental impact that was causing.
"We conservationist with the same vocation we see federal agencies," said the deputy Herrera.
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