My take on the presentation was it was not bad. In fact I would bias to the plus side particularly given all the negative comments recently thrusted upon us by Ms. Ortega and the feeling that we were basically dead in the water with Las Cristinas. Yesterday, as I watched BNN, out of the blue I hear Michael Kane on "stocks to watch" today mentioned our company Crystallex with the news in a positive news story indication which was widely report yesterday. The AGM meeting did not have any surprises (as in negative) nor did it offering any upside surprises. I was wondering were Fung was, but I have some confort in as much that he is in VZ working on getting us the permit. Ask youself do you feel better today then you did when compared to 2 days ago; there is big change in sentiment that is currently underway. As I type KRY.TO is up .20 on 2M in volume and that is a nice change in direction. The market so far likes what it hears. Perhaps all the negative is out and the re-negotation is going as planned for Ms. Ortega.