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Message: july 24th in bolivar...

july 24th in bolivar...

posted on Jul 23, 2008 02:41AM
Day of the Navy with sea and air parade in Guayana
Wednesday, 23 of 2008 July

Rángel governor Go'mez, announced that in the port of lighters of San Felix, they will meet in a parade with national character, the ministerial train of Chávez, ambassadors, military attache's, international guests and all the public power

  • Yuri Hatziageldis
  • Photos: Jhonny Arreaza

Rangel governor Go'mez, announced that in the port of lighters of San Felix, a parade with national character will be realised, the ministerial train of Chávez, ambassadors, military attache's, international guests, the public power and the town.
The National Navy Bolivariana will realise the 24 of July the sea and air central act civic military man to commemorate the 225 anniversary of the natalicio of the Liberator, Simon Bolivar, the Day of the 185 the Bolivariana Navy and anniversary of Naval Batalla of the Lake of Maracaibo in which it will be the first event of this nature that will be carried out in Guayana, by a presidential order, Guayana City will have the honor of being soothes where the event will be realised for the first time “in fresh waters”. The Bolivariana Navy will make a demonstration operative, with ships of great openwork, frigate ARBV Soublette, oceanographic ship ARBV Brave End, fluvial patrol crafts guardacosta, 16 boats, a hovercraft, 4 boats of coastal monitoring of the GN and aerial units of the commando of the naval aviation and the military aviation, which will be able to be appraised from 4:00 p.m. from the terminal of ferries and lighters of San Felix.

The governor of the state Bolivar, Francisco Rángel Go'mez, who was present at next to Jose Ramon Lopez, the tests of the maneuvers, informed that the act will be presided over by the minister of the popular power the defense, commander in chief, Gustavo Rángel Briceño, in company of the vice-president of the Bolivariana Republic of Venezuela, Ramon Reedbeds, in representation of president Chávez, as well as of all the ministerial train. Rángel Go'mez, who plans the logistics next to the municipality, said that the event will be appreciated in many parts of the world, reason why is very important that it leaves first, reason why our town will turn upside down to attend, said. The governor said that in the maneuvers is the commander-in-chief of the Navy, vice-admiral Zahim Ali Quintana Castro, representatives of the extended Naval High Command and a representation of officials of all the country. As well as the commander of the shutdown grouping that will be rear admiral White Gilberto Pinto and the commander of the sea and air parade, rear admiral Luis Campi.

The governor explained that the President has wanted “to solidify” in one all the Armed Forces that in IV the Republic were exclusive of the Navy, or the one of Carabobo, that was exclusive of the Army, now all the forces participate actively.

All the components of the army would participate, the military aviation, the GN and the national reserve. More than 1,200 cadets, of the naval school of Venezuela, non-commissioned officer school of the Navy, technical school of the Navy, school of cabin boys of the Navy, it is you strain of shore patrols, it command of the marines and fluvial commando.

Almacaroní will receive to the Navy

In this sense, the Mayorship of Caroní has to disposition all the logistic tools and the support necessary to ensure the success in the accomplishment of this important activity.

Within the structured programming for this day 30Mk2 is contemplated to the exhibition of the Sukhoi airplanes, which were in the sky doing different flight maneuvers, like different ships, pertaining to the naval component of the Bolivariana Navy and the parade of the Grouping of Shutdown.


The 24 of July of 1823 the battle gets rid in the Lake of Maracaibo that truly sealed the Independence of Venezuela. After this naval battle, in that the squares of Padilla and Laborde faced, it had to capitulate Morals and to leave. In tribute to this important battle the Day of the Venezuelan Navy is celebrated the 24 of July. The bloody battle was the final action that assured Independence Venezuela

Solemn session in the place Bolivar

In order to commemorate the “225 Anniversaries of the Natalicio of the Liberator Simon Bolivar and Day of Naval Batalla of the Lake of Maracaibo”, the municipal legislators in extraordinary session presided over by the councilman Jose Ramon Lopez designated like speaker of order for the solemn session, to captain Ángel Pinto Ricardo Wheel. Act that is predicted for the 10 in the morning in the Place Bolivars of San Felix, where also the act of floral offering will be realised.

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