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Message: Investments do not want poisoned in Venezuela

Investments do not want poisoned in Venezuela

posted on Aug 29, 2008 01:40AM
Investments do not want poisoned in Venezuela
Written by Editorial
Friday, August 29, 2008
The Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez Frías, noted that with the nationalization of some strategic industries for the country is breaking with the old scheme imposed by foreign investment "poisoned" which arrived in Venezuela to loot the country and not to boost its He explained development from the Palacio de Miraflores, in Cabinet, which under this model-based firms in the country is not paying fair wages to workers, in addition to denying benefits and all kinds of social security and labour, bringing to these Venezuelans are outsourcing.
"Do not pay taxes, had no environmental liability," said Chavez. "That was the investment that brought here, that investment here do not want it," he said.

On remarks made by opposition sectors, indicating that the nationalizations were ahuyenta foreign investment, noted that Chavez will not be allowed in the country "these companies who come here with the mechanism lead to international arbitration courts."

"We do not need this investment, and although we needed, that investment poisoned do not want it. We are throwing, "said the Venezuelan head of state.

He warned that everything must be done according to Venezuelan law and the responsibility for meeting them. "They have to pay their taxes, 33% of royalties, 50% tax on income," said Chavez.

He highlighted the investment model that exists in the Orinoco Belt, where there are companies in partnership with the Venezuelan government, who also runs the majority shareholder.

Moreover, Chavez also noted that Venezuela is now an investor in other countries and stated that the nation has 40 billion dollars in international reserves, excluding the resources of the National Development Fund (Fonden).

Among the countries in which Venezuela is investing the president cited the United States, China, and Vietnam.

"Rather we are now investors in other countries. In the U.S., Europe, we will invest in China now, in partnership with Chinese companies. In Vietnam we are calling invest, "Chavez explained.

Government works alongside the new working class in the country

One of the priorities of the National Government is based on the work of the State together with the new working class and trade union that is emerging with the new vision productive apparatus of the country's economic, focused on the perception of social good and common.

This was ratified by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, from the Palace of Miraflores.

The Head of State noted in contact with the program and Dando Dando, transmitting Venezolana de Television (VTV), that the issue of workers is vital. "We have been reviewing the issue of workforce, which is vital in the cement industry, Sidor, Invepal '.

He stressed that in the case of Invepal the situation was different, 'for example in the latter workers resisted the abuses of former owners, resisted unemployment, "said Chavez.

He recalled that in the case of Invepal, the paper industry located in Morón Carabobo state, when it began operations last April 11, 2005, after several years, had 300 workers. There are currently about 720, said the Head of State.

She hoped that the new working class and trade union that is being born with a different view, because workers do not have to fight their rights with employers. "It will continue the fight, but no longer from the perspective of the conflict, quite the contrary, it is now a relationship of discussion among colleagues," he said.

However, encouraged precisely this new working class and trade union strength not to forget that there are still "enemies who want this government to fail, trying to disrupt progress," he said. (ABN)

Companies different

He reiterated that workers know that with the nationalization of enterprises cement, paper, as well as Sidor, will be completely different relationship with them (workers), not only in terms of living wage but also with regard to housing schemes, social security, he said the Head of State.
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