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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Rodolfo Sanz promises to order mining sector

Re: Rodolfo Sanz promises to order mining sector

posted on Aug 29, 2008 03:27AM

dammit sasa, even on vaca you beat me to it!!!

Rodolfo Sanz promises to order mining sector
Friday, 29 of August of 2008

Natalie Garci'a
Photo William Urdaneta

The minister said that everything will be reviewed and it will help itself the small miner
The mining activities in the region are going to be reoriented, according to indicated the holder of the Ministry of the Popular Power for the Basic Industries and Mining (Mibam), Rodolfo Sanz. The minister assured that they will control plus the mining in order to have control of the natural resources of the region, between these the gold, the diamond, and other minerals that are used for special alloys that little are known.

Such announcements were made in an act of opening of day in the mine the Camorra in the Sifontes municipality. Sanz indicated that by instructions of regional Head of State “we are going to order all the productive processes of our basic companies, are going to regain the control on our mineral resources, are going to exert sovereignty on that, are going to exert sovereignty in our territory, are going to operate our resources and mainly we are going to make justice where we must make justice”.

More visits
It commented in addition that in the coming days will take care of the problems of the Manteco and the Paragua, this last one hard struck by the reconversion. In relation to this, Sanz said that there are about 3 millardos and means (old) for this town and in the coming days will move there until making the delivery of credits and the payment of the famous tickets effective that were not remunerated in the reconversion process.

It explained that for the Great Savannah also there are plans. “This does not remain here, we we decided that the Pebble, Manteco, the Paragua, now Sifontes, but I am going to go to the other zones, to the 88, because is to order all the Venezuelan mining territory, it is not going to have a place where I do not go, the president gave that express instruction me to put thorough in the problem… we are going to dignificar to the miner. We are on the verge of also giving the authorization of some areas that we are going to begin to permisar”.

“We have a plan, we have a plan, we are not acting of empirical way, and we really go - God by means of a to rearrange all the mining sector of the state Bolivar, this is guarantee of president Chávez and mine as political operator and we are going them to the requirements to take care of, because we are it jeopardize to provide solutions basic”, assured.

Sanz indicated that in the next days it could be approaching Great Savannah to take the impressions of those who live there. It said that everything will be in the time that allows him, as far as the relaunching of the mining reconversion work in the search of new occupations for those who wish to leave this activity. From which several credits in the different sectors already mentioned are approved.

Preventive Mutismo
Nevertheless, on the controversial subject of Crystallex, company that occupies the territory of the project the Cristinas that has in its salary 21 million proven ounces of gold, declared: “I do not want to make commentaries because what I say it can be used of inescrupulosa form”. So it follows the mystery around this mining development that still does not count on the permissions for operation in the territory.

What yes I make the minister in a brief interview with this metropolitan newspaper clear, is that all the possible one will become to regain the control of the mining territory, with this the revision of many concessions is engaged in to the arena that perhaps happen at the hands of third parties or simply to the Venezuelan State, according to what it gave to understand minister Sanz with his affirmation, “we are going to order all the mining territory in Bolivar”.

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