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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Excerpts from Vheadline Article - Oct 12/08

Excerpts from Vheadline Article - Oct 12/08

posted on Oct 12, 2008 07:29AM

VHeadline editor & publisher Roy S. Carson writes: I can certainly share the general frustration, and empathize with the outright anger and sheer contempt shown towards various members of the Chavez administration by foreign investors, business executives, the ordinary Joe Public (Juan Gonzalez) on the streets of Caracas and the critically impoverished mining families attempting daily to eke out miserable existences in the jungles of Venezuela's southern Bolivar State.

It is NOT for nothing that Environment Minister (MinAmb) Yubiri Ortega de Carrizales -- whose only claim to ministerial (in)competence appears to be her marital(?) relationship with Venezuela's Vice President Ramon Carrizalez -- it's NOT for nothing that she's taken over the very accurate descriptive of "The Wicked Witch" from UK ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair's wayward spouse, Cherie. She's certainly no Miss Venezuela candidate, and scowling pictures of her jowls immediately transmit the essence of her intransigence, based on an assumption that hubby Ramon will (or perhaps will not?) fight her corner as she drops administrative clangers left, right and center.

A reader, writing from North America asks how to explain the constant conundrum of Chavez government inaction on his/her (the investor's) specific focus on the decades-long Las Cristinas Saga and the government's abject failure to address the overriding problems faced by thousands of unemployed gold miners in the southern jungles who could be fully employed and able to -- at least partly -- achieve some degree of ambition or optimism for a better future for themselves and their families if only Mibam Minister Rodolfo Sanz got his finger out (from whence we do not care to speculate!) and fulfill the promises he already made to his own citizens several years ago ... never mind to complete the promises, the undertakings, the specifications, the goals of an economic future signed into being in September 2004 with an industrial mining corporation that has already spent $ millions in infrastructure and other investments, depending on Venezuelan government promises...

Will those thousands of unemployed miners need to continue to demand honest answers from their government officials ... or will they be fed more and more promises that they know in their heart of hearts will never be kept? These people (the disappointed masses) already know now qualities such as honor in government and both honor and sincerity in government undertakings are just as transitory as the swilled whisky and the luxury dinners passing through the living corpses of official hacks ... and just as excremental on their way to political sewers.

Yes, indeed, we at VHeadline fully support the Venezuelan Revolution ... we support democracy, true democracy, constitutionality and the rule of law ... and that is why it is urgently required that Venezuela and Venezuelans realize their own true Revolution to restore sanity, decency, respect for human values and aspirations for a very much better future than the current cacophony of false-flagged and anti-socialist incompetents in government can ever achieve where simple promises are, and have been, so easily abused, converted into incontrovertible lies and deceptions.

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