Read and re-read item #19...
Upcoming events:
As a result of "This is it and It is NOW":
US exchanges will be closed. There is a chance all world exchanges will close down. Only gold and currencies which are planetary markets will continue to trade.
Retirement programs will not pay off.
Medicare and Medicaid will at best buy you a bandage or pay for 1/4 of a visit to a free clinic.
Social security, due to the massive upcoming inflation, will provide no security for any society.
Money Market Funds will not pay off.
A CD is a gift, but not to you.
Unified central bank action has a short life.
Central banks will soon revert to the strategy of everyone for themselves.
401Ks not self directed are headed for the toilet forever.
Exchange Traded Funds will not return the assets upon which it is based to you.
Sliver will demonstrate the fact that it is more industrial a metal than precious.
Silver is not a currency because it is simply too HEAVY to settle debts or to be universally fungible.
Silver performs best when there is reasonable industrial demand and distrust of currency. When this happens rounding up the gang and their money will have a lot to do with which party is elected.
Credit card companies are going to have to be bailed out.
GE Capital is a nuclear capable entity that has the capacity to take down the good old toaster and refrigerator manufacturer - SIGMA ZERO.
GE Capital is a huge OTC derivative dealer but somehow I do not recall that fact being discussed.
Gold is the only Honest Money because it has no liability attached to it.
Gold coins are the best way to own gold for the average investor.
- When you select a junior gold, I would look for the highest quality, most bashed, highest short positioned, with real assets and real people devoid of pussy management. The situation is best if it is based in another country than the country you live in while doing business in a third and trading in multiple areas. The benefit is obvious.
Nobody ever did or will ever trade items as insurance. That is a form of madness.
At $1650 I will take my leave, having been with you to the point I promised.
- The only place you will find me then is at my place of business on the ground or the web.
There is no question that gold will trade at or above $1650 by January 14th, 2011.