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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: From Ambassador Perez

A lot of people here don't trust Roy Carson and his reporting. I always like to find other sources to verify what he is saying. The following is from oroyfinanzas.com in Spain. It shows us that international reporting has to be taken with a grain of salt. This confirms what Perez said and we are fine or confirms that all that bad press Kry has recieved could be just a copy and paste job like this might be. Either way it certainly casts doubt about our demise.

Article - 21/11/2008
Polemics with the exploitation of one of the largest gold deposits in the world located in Venezuela
Madrid on November 21 2008 (OroyFinanzas) - The Venezuelan government announced early November, through its Minister of Basic Industries and Mining, Rodolfo Sanz, who would assume control of the Las Cristinas gold deposit, operated by the Canadian mining Crystallex International Corporation.

The Venezuelan government would have opted for the Russian mining / Canadian Rusoro, to implement the project of the Cristinas, which under a contract had been awarded to Crystallex to operate for several years.

At present there is great confusion about what will happen to the gold mine Las Cristinas, since the Ministry of Mines later denied these reports. What is the real situation?
"Nobody from the government, either directly or indirectly, has informed us that so far the situation has changed," said Robert Fung CEO of Crystallex last Tuesday during a special meeting of shareholders in Toronto.

Las Cristinas is owned by the Venezuelan government and Canada's Crystallex has a contract to develop the Las Cristinas project.

The Las Cristinas mine is considered one of the shells are not explored the world's largest and is located in the Imataca forest reserve in southeastern Venezuela.

The executive president of Crystallex told its shareholders that the company is in daily contact with "senior government" and confirm that they had requested an official clarification.

The former foreign minister and current ambassador to Venezuela in France Jesus Arnoldo Perez, said this week that we must be careful because there are a lot of false information on the subject. Perez confirmed that there was no formal declaration and that it would be reasonable to wait until after the regional elections this weekend.

Ambassador Perez noted that "it is not the policy of the Venezuelan government to revoke the contracts and everything will be clarified in due course." He added that "dark forces" have a negative effect on economic progress and politics of Venezuela.

Crystallex on its Web site continues to assert that the company expects to start gold production at Las Cristinas in 2010.

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