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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: This is for you Gramps...

This is for you Gramps...

posted on Feb 23, 2009 05:28PM

The Monday evening bingo game must be over by now..

Posted: Feb 23 2009 By: Jim Sinclair Post Edited: February 23, 2009 at 11:16 pm

Filed under: General Editorial

Dear Friends,

The outrageous machinations of the market place, as Trader Dan has described to you this afternoon, are a combination of hedge funds attacking by shorting the middle European low cap currencies, the Cando and the Down Unders, which by mirror reflection display an image of temporary dollar strength.

One of the tools of a short against a country’s currency is to work the Default Derivative Index violently upwards on the bonds of that country, thereby making the debt of the country look terminal.

All of this is feeding into the EUR/USD cross rate. Markets in securities and general commodities are in turn raked by the emotional fallout of paper implosions in the currency markets. As the hedgie sharks eat each other only a few fat hedgie sharks remain. The mega wealth they represent will in time turn their big guns broadside to the US dollar and long side to gold, producing levels on both that few consider possible, even today. It must happen because already the algorithm of gold is beginning to demand it.

As the hedgies go for cover in the middle European currency units, the momentum of the dollar will roll over, triggering the early dollar algorithm to magnetize money to the short side.

The same fund right now raping the middle European currencies will eventually dig a grave for the buck.

World flows of money know no human feelings, but like the demons at their heart, spread death and destruction wherever they flow. It is like a massive volcanic eruption poisoning the air and water, bringing with it a planetary malaise.

Remember that JP Morgan had to get Jesse Livermore to agree to stop raiding stocks, commodities and currencies short before Morgan could rescue the US banking system from a credit lock up.

I may be the only one who knows why the world is ending in the equity markets and why no 1930 style rally with staying power can occur until certain procedural trading matters are worked out

Hell has broken lose. It will be more than two generations before this plague of greed is overcome. This is not a short-term aberration. It is a cataclysm brought about by the uncontrolled greed of an army of sociopaths.

Gold is the only safe haven because unlike paper money it is impossible to create twice as much with the strike of a bailout plan pen.

Gold is your only insurance.

Gold is the difference from being the cause of your future or a victim of this colossal theft of unprecedented proportions. Be a survivor, and save yourself for you and your families sake.


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