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Message: one of many similar stories today....more private sector talk

one of many similar stories today....more private sector talk

posted on Mar 05, 2009 02:17AM
Sector construction notices imminent closing of companies
Thursday, 05 of March of 2009

Pedro Hernandez, vice-president of the Camera of the Construction, raises the necessity to consolidate the union of the sectors public and prevailed, to face of joint form, the crisis situation that existing in the basic companies, the industry of the construction and consequently the imminent bankruptcy of one hundred factories of Guayana

  • Jorge Alberto Muziotti

Worried about the critical situation that she crosses the sector of aluminum in the state and by the imminent closing of several companies in Guayana City, managers of the Camera of the Construction of the state the Bolivars, headed by his vice-president Ing. Pedro Hernandez, accompanied by Ing. Oscar Go'mez and Juan Medina, the Hernandez indicated the necessity that she summons herself to all the sectors, so that solution looks for the problems that affects the basic companies”.

Hernandez revealed that minister Rodolfo Sanz had announced a “plan of investment” for each one of the companies, on which “we have great expectations because we do not want that job are lost more and not to repeat the crisis of previous years”.

“For morning (today) we have predicted to travel to Caracas with proposals that we considered can serve as bridges so that investments are approved that allow to resolve the present situation of the factories”, Hernandez said.

“The closing worries to Them possible about at least, 100 companies in Guayana for next the 30 days, reason why they demand to know the plan that has the Minister and the one of a to know, as rapidly as possible to the region”, it affirmed.

Hernandez considers that before the present crisis the important thing is “to invest” and notices that the State only, cannot undertake all the great works, reason why it calls to the reflection of which “we must work private and public sector to solve the problems” and adds: “we create in our capacities. This crisis represents an opportunity to resurge”, limited.

Works in the zone

Hernandez assured that “a possible paralyzation of the construction of the third bridge is imminent on the Orinoco river, and in addition indicates that a delay in other works in the state exists, as well as some projects of investment of the basic companies”.

He exposes that “it is necessary to generate work to impel the estadal economy, is not necessary to leave pauses”.

The manager of the Camera of the Construction affirms that “that they are of the side of the proposals of the government, because we think that these contribute to improve the plans regarding the construction of house”, indicated.

Also it showed preoccupation by the shortage of material for the construction, that derives in the high prices in which they are going up to around the same.

It affirms that “distortion in the distribution chain exists, as it is the case of the steel. He is not right that to only transport increases it its value”. “This is worrisome, because it affects the cost of works”.

They applaud in addition the policy of which “the company that makes urbanism, does not construct the houses”, because they consider that it must be most sensible.

“We as union we considered that we must work with the other sectors of the regional economy”, indicated and add that “we have norms in case of difficulties because we are a Camera with strength and one of main the generating ones of use in the country”.

In search of labor La Paz

With respect to the union subject, Hernandez makes the call to that “the agreement of labor peace in the region consolidates”.

“We called to the union directors to that they come to have a discussion with us. It must have harmony and peace to be able to construct”, reflected.

The call of the Camera of the Construction is clearly. It is necessary to work together. “We asked patience and understanding the workers, but the reclamations must be with base, as well as we asked to the union beings to that they fulfill the ruled thing”.

Finally they talked about to the subject of the payment of the Tax On the Rent (Islr) making a call the Seniat so that “flexibilice, through a payment agreement. The situation is difficult, but this crisis we must surpass it together”, finalized.

Call to the union sector

Pedro Hernandez, vice-president of the Camera of the Construction of the state Bolivar, makes a call to the unions continue working. “They continue producing and they do not worry about anything, its work will be remunerated, but they have patience and understanding”. In addition it made reference to the “call to the calm and the joint work with the union sectors of the region”.

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