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Message: Indigenous/Coal Mining in Zulia and a mention of Ortega & Rodriguez

Indigenous/Coal Mining in Zulia and a mention of Ortega & Rodriguez

posted on Mar 11, 2009 03:38PM

Ortega and Sergio Rodriguez (Merly's replacement) mentioned:

Indians charge that the Boundary Commission deceived

Truth - Jasmine Ojeda - Maracaibo - 11/03/2009 00:01 11
The voice of the indigenous Barí yucpas and won. Chieftains of the Sierra de Perija Machiques blamed the actions of the National Commission on Demarcation for the return of land to ethnic communities who claim ancestral rights. They agreed that officials from the Ministry of Environment who raised the polygonal boundaries for the territory "are cheating the Indians."

As farmers and producers located in the disputed area, and Barí yucpas charged that representatives of the executive did not report what's happening with the delivery of land or the legal processes to assist stakeholders. "We want land demarcation and ... ... to live happily outside third parties (people other than their race, including the companies that exploit minerals) ... and the government pays the landowners ...", said yesterday at the National Meeting for land demarcation and Barí Yucpas in Zulia state who conducted environmental groups, the Unit for Studies in Literature and Indigenous Culture in the Faculty of Humanities and Education at the University of Zulia and Society Homo et Natura .

A table discussion held at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Zulia (Maczul), including representation of communities and ethnic groups, were present the president of the Association of Cattlemen of Machiques, Armando Chacín and spokesman of the Front Peasants, Oscar Carrillo. The absence of the committee members of regional demarcation Minamb left the charged atmosphere of concern. "Where is the committee questioned ...?", some wearing red garments, alluding to the revolutionary process, and those carrying goods typical longer see their faces painted as a sign of identity.

The intervention of Esmérita Romero, APAN yucpa River, injuring the sympathy of some Indians loyal to the national government, which interrupted the speech to hear complaints-needs communities have by-state policies. She accused the officials, who are occupying the executive office, to silence the case of demarcation. "There are threats that if you speak as you yucpa removed from office, if you speak as you remove the credit yucpa ...", said the slow link in the demarcation process and the performance of the governmental members.

A discharge joined the president of the Association of Barí Venezuela (Asocbariven), Aminta Ashirogdoda, who assured that they are on two issues: demarcation and exploitation of coal on the slopes of the Sierra, and the Executive meets to determine the demand of native peoples as stipulated in the Constitution.

What is worrisome is the spokeswoman for the climate of violence hitherto stood in the bari, but not in a group yucpa. Requested the Government to listen to the voice of the people. "We have (the land) without the presence of others ... we have not been violent, the people Barí not like other people who are not breaking ..." mused, and recalled the suffering of the struggle for territory in the colonial era and history of Zulia.

A week later

The exposure of Sabino Romero, chief of Chactapa encouraged to take over farms. Launched an ultimate to producers of farm: encroach more or leave estates. Gave a week's time "because you autodemarcación ...". He said that in the sights of the communities are: Rancho Alegre, Maraquita, Maraca, Aguas Calientes, Rancho Grande, Esperanza, San Luis, Moscow and Bella Vista, along with others on his talk did not identify accelerated. In the list that rested in his notebook also: Medellin Kusar, Brazil, Cedral, Maracay and Tizina invaded in the past.

Do not believe the proposal made by Diego Garcia, producer of The Captain, on a pact of coexistence because they are "lies", the history of aggression and violence was prevented agricultural. He denied the request for Gadema: "We agree that the problem must be solved, but ... autodemarcación because that breaks the pact of non-violence," said Armando Chacín explaining that the proposed invasion of productive units without payment to affected.

The cacique, who joked to simulate the presence of the Minister of Environment, Yubirí Ortega agreed with the producers present on the payment of bienhechurias shouted warning that well-spoken criticism that "it is already good with the bad intention, grab their livestock and have four horses that won their meaning ...". His speech sparked a liar of the former national secretary of the National Commission for Demarcation and now deputy minister of Environment, Sergio Rodriguez.

There is overlap

Chacin said that he did not want any confrontation because "there is agreement." Only proceed forward by a group of yucpas sabotages the alliance may have to claim the State together a quick exit. Indicated they are willing to leave the land, if they cash allowances of goods to producers located in the territory marking.

The meeting seemed opportune for the public representatives from the mayor of Machiques, Government, MPs and ministers are absent-a step towards resolving the tension in the Sierra de Perija. He recalled that each side has an interest and if there are meeting points in this should be a positive step, as the representatives of the Environment "are hiding something ... we do not know what it is ...".

Homo et Natura also wary of the processes executed for the delimitation of the land, according to studies of the organization are 200 farms that were affected, but 22 that belong to the ethnic group and 57 Barí ethnicity Yucpa.

Earlier, at the headquarters of Fegalago Ruben Barboza warned of the consequences of that withdrawal would cause producers to the region by lower milk production and meat and "economic impact" that the people feel. He said they are at risk 200 thousand liters of milk a day, 500 thousand animals to the slaughterhouse for lack of breeding locations, which could mean a "chaos" of food.


In Caracas, in the livestock producers discuss measures to lands that the Inti, the threat of expropriation of the properties of Genaro Mendez (Fedenaga) and the situation of Machiques with the demarcation of indigenous lands.


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