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Message: VZ/Iran Joint Mining Venture

VZ/Iran Joint Mining Venture

posted on Apr 01, 2009 12:08PM

Venezuela looks to further stimulate the 2030 rapprochement with Iran
Both nations are evaluating the creation of a mining joint venture. The
president stressed that this will meet with his Iranian, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to
discuss the agreements and those that are sealed by concrete. He stressed that
Venezuela has helped Iran to develop a map of mining in Venezuela. He said that
the reunion will yield progress on issues oil, gas and petrochemical
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran (01.04.09) Venezuela begins to look 2030 to
further stimulate the strategic agenda with Iran, said the president of the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, in his first words during this
seventh visit to land Iranians, so they announced that both nations are
evaluating the creation of a mining joint venture.

On arrival at the hotel I was staying, the Head of State confirmed that the
visit also showed how Venezuela and Iran are moving in a fight for a multipolar
world. "So we're beginning to look to 2030," he said, while he announced that in
order to guide the relationships beyond the next ten years, starting this
Thursday April 2 "we will work here for next agenda decade: high-flying
strategic agenda. "

"We are already talking of a mining joint venture between Iran and Venezuela,
and joint efforts in research and agricultural production. Will other issues:
the oil, petrochemicals, the gas," listed by journalists awaiting his arrival.

The president stressed that this will meet with his Iranian, Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad, to discuss the agreements and those that are sealed by concrete. He stressed that Venezuela has helped Iran to develop a map of mining in Venezuela. "We already have several years working with the Ministry of Mines of Iran. If you knew the amount of mineral resources that we have been discovering in recent years would come back: gold, diamonds, gemstones and other minerals.

He reiterated that without a doubt stay for the seventh time in Iran, promotes
South-South cooperation. Beyond the bilateral sphere, we are by the way: South
America, Middle East, Tehran, after China and Japan, "described as outline to
the new geopolitics.

Detailed to visit the Center for Advanced Technology Agricultural Iran. He
argued again that the unipolar world is over and that a multipolar world "is
moving Venezuela, Iran moves. We are two players of high prominence, who can
deny? In the construction of the new multipolar world, said the president .

Bank starts operations

He confirmed that Thursday started the operations of the Bank of the South
Venezuelan-Iranian, with a capital of 200 thousand million dollars. This major
step, said it is "just an event, apart from all economic agreements, energy,
petrochemicals, oil, mining, agricultural, social, technological, cultural,
tourist advance the two countries" as part of the "battle our revolutions: the
Islamic and the Bolivarian. sank the world's major banks, but here is born a
bank, such as South America is being born there in another bank, as in the
Caribbean is emerging another bank, the Bank of ALBA. "

He was emphatic in stating that high-level strategic agreements have been
reached "had never been seen in Venezuela", a product that Venezuela was a
country subject to the mandates of United States to the extent that government
policy did not exist in Venezuela before the arrival of the Bolivarian

"Venezuela was a card played by the global empire on the board. Today Venezuela plays his own game: It is free and independent and free to play the board of the new world," he said.

Venezuela congratulates the Islamic Revolution 30 years

"Today, April 1 are met exactly 30 years of a national referendum here in Iran,
where he was asked what the people wanted regime. And 98 percent were in favor of the Islamic Republic of Iran. We congratulate the people of Iran congratulate these 30 years of revolution that has put Iran on one of the first places in the countries of the new geopolitics. "

With regard to internal issues of Venezuela congratulated the results after the
collection of income tax, which was located in almost one billion strong
bolivars fundraising goal. "

"This is a good sign about the strength and sovereignty of the Venezuelan
people," said the president, who also referred to the "Central Bank decided to
lower the interest," which stated that "these are good signs to continue
stimulating economic development credit.

About President Obama, responding to a question from reporters, said: "I do not
have much hope, because behind it is an empire. He is the president of an
empire, a monstrous machine. (... ) I hope that President Obama will be the last
U.S. President and the first President of a true democratic republic. "

Presidential Press / Alejandro Montiel


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