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Message: Accuse Mining Company Laboreo intimidation by labor

Accuse Mining Company Laboreo intimidation by labor

posted on Apr 04, 2009 08:53AM
Accuse Mining Company Laboreo intimidation by labor
Written by Kelly Frenny
Saturday, 04 April 2009
Workers who make life in the mining community of San Rafael de La Camorra in the municipality Sifontes, publicly denounced the abuses which have had to bear by members of the company Laboreo Miner, for more than 20 years, "these gentlemen are have given the task of frightening often prevent us and the rest of the inhabitants of the sector can produce and live in harmony, "said Antonio Navarro, one of those affected.
Furthermore Odiaga and Armin Jose Gonzalez, said that since 2005 have made their allegations to the Ministries of Public Prosecution, however to date there are still abuses committed by the directors of this company by putting at risk the security of the neighboring sector.

At this point Armin González said that on Monday March 30, the security chief of Machining Mining, Giovanny Santiago, was presented at the scanning machine with a heavy under his command for the purpose of the excavations tapas that miners had performed with great effort and dedication, and indeed it did.

"This without any notice to any of us, being under the earth of our instruments work, no chance to rescue us as if we prostrate before the machine that this company took our lives in danger." In Ana Rojas, a member of the mining community, the neighbors said that the industry feel completely powerless to what has happened to workers and claim an authority to intercede for them and defend this transnational.

Also, the informants said that former officials of various institutions such as Mibam and the Ministry of Environment, are absorbed by the company and supposedly they are responsible for providing confidential information for personal interests and not for employees, much less the community .

In this regard the complainant made an appeal to the general Gilberto Velasco Ramirez, CEO of Mining and Shelter National Director of Audit and Control Mibam, Luis Herrera Mendoza, which appears to provide a prompt solution to this problem, apply the patch , Correction and revive, as established by the President of the Republic. Finally thank the General Ocando, who has shown solidarity with the extensive mining of San Rafael de La Camorra, but that is not enough to end the amedrantameineto that these workers in the mining claim today.
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