"The engine of the regional economy is on the verge of collapse"...
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Apr 30, 2009 02:19AM
Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America
"The engine of the regional economy is on the verge of collapse"
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Maria Ramirez Cabello
Photo Tomás González
The Business Alliance has reiterated on several occasions its concern over the plight of the regional economy
Professional associations, chambers, trade unions and society atlarge come together for common goals: to rescue the regional economysupported by the performance of core business Guayana.
In that sense, the Business Alliance, formed by the Associationof Metallurgical and Mining Industry of Venezuela, Guayana chapter(AIMM), the Chamber of Industrialists and Miners of Guayana (CIMG)Fedeindustrias Bolívar; Chamber of Commerce and Industry of themunicipality Caroní (Camcaroní), Small Business Networks Guiana, with arepresentation of the union leadership called upon all citizens to"pray for Guyana," event organized by Hands of Guyana "and that will beheld first Friday in May Plaza de las Banderas from 7:00 in themorning, on the celebration of International Workers' Day.
Goyenechea Fernando, president of the CIMG, said that thisactivity will involve trade unions, businessmen, students, workers,including representation of the Church. "It is a joint activity withthe participation of at least one pastor, a Catholic priest andbishop."
"When you're a prayer asking for Guyana until the intervention ofthe Lord to help us in a fateful moment for the region, and thatsomehow enlighten the minds of those who are responsible for taking thefirst initiative in relation to the restructuring of enterprises andthe basic solutions to be taken later to address the crisis, "he said.
Juan Gomez, secretary general of Sunep CVG, said that a symbolicmarch of the workers of the Venezuelan Guayana Corporation (CVG) willdepart from the old building of Maxy's to the Plaza de las Banderas.
"Our slogan will be investment for Guyana, respect for freedom ofassociation, the Constitution, Labor Law and the statutes of a publicofficial," he said.
Activity arose from the grave situation facing the core businessGuayana and strikingly affecting all sectors of the regional economy.
Permanent disposal
The president of the CIMG, Fernando Goyenechea said that despitethe situation of state enterprises, especially those in the aluminumsector, the regional executive did not have a rescue plan, which atpresent is in development and this has delayed its announcement.
Importantly, at the end of February, the Minister of BasicIndustries and Mining (Mibam), Rodolfo Sanz, announced that his officewould meet to plan the rescue of companies in the aluminum industry atthe latest within a week. But still there has been no announcement.
"It was learned unofficially that the President would haveappointed a high-level commission to assess the financial andoperational business base. If that is true, we are in order to talk tothis committee, "said Goyenechea.
The business leaders reported that the outcome of the workingtogether made the governor of Bolivar state was preparing a document onthe situation of enterprises, backed by the regional authority, and itled to the department.
"We debiésemos go to this presentation, to deliver live," he added.
Goyenechea said they have lost count of the amount owed by thecore businesses, but noted that "until February 28, 1000 we had strongbolivars million owed by the companies, according to the consolidateddebt between Sidor, Plant and Pellas aluminum sector, but it joinedFerrominera Orinoco which suspended payments and Edelca two weeks ago."
Imminent collapse
Pedro Lacure, representing the network of small business Guayana,said the crisis in the core business is the backbone of a socialproblem that must be addressed comprehensively. "The engine of theeconomy of Guyana is about to collapse and there is definitely a voicethat says what they will do and when," he said.
For his part, Nancy Gomez, Camcaroní first vice president, notedthat the business sector and the labor force has warned repeatedlyabout the status of the regional economy, highly dependent on the corebusiness and joined the global crisis, which not escape, the basicproblem of business is old and has been worse. "