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Message: Holistic Swine Flu Prevention: Prepare, But Don't Stress

Holistic Swine Flu Prevention: Prepare, But Don't Stress

posted on Apr 30, 2009 05:03PM

Holistic Swine Flu Prevention: Prepare, But Don't Stress

Apr 30th 2009
By Doug DiPasquale

The world seems to be freaking out about swine flu, a reportedly deadly strain of influenza that appears to have started in Mexico. Media reports are getting more and more alarmist as days into the "epidemic" continue yet the actual severity of the disease seems questionable. The fact is that there is little evidence so far that this is a pandemic of epic proportions, despite the fear mongering coming from major media outlets around the globe. Many of the large numbers of deaths reported early in the week have been retracted and it seems a lot of "suspected cases" are being confused with "confirmed cases".

As Dr. Mercola, of mercola.com aptly states, "as of Monday April 27, the worldwide total number of confirmed cases was 82, according to WHO [World Health Organization], which included 40 cases in the U.S., confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control... To put things into perspective, malaria kills 3,000 people EVERY DAY, and it's considered 'a health problem'."

Canada, according to WHO, has 6 confirmed cases as of April 28, with no deaths. The four confirmed cases to hit Ontario are currently recovering at home and are not on anti-viral medication, according to the Toronto Star. Not to sound glib, but this doesn't sound much like a deadly pandemic to me. I suggest taking the fear-generating hype with a grain of salt.

This being said, it certainly doesn't hurt to be prepared. Hype or not, I see this as an opportunity to get yourself in a healthy condition so that, if you are exposed to any viruses, your body will be in tip-top shape for fighting them off. Here are 10 steps to getting your immune system in a condition capable of fighting off anything you throw at it.

1. Don't Panic! - Nothing will lower the effectiveness of your immune system faster than stress. Cortisol, the stress hormone, leads to immune cells vacating the blood stream. Weakened immune systems are sensitive to even small stresses. Abnormal amounts of stress from fear and worry about the flu may just lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy. This isn't to say you should be sticking your head in the sand and ignoring the problem. Stay informed on potential dangers so you can be prepared, but avoid dwelling on worst-case scenarios, worrying or unneccesary panic. Prepare as best you can and be on guard. Don't stress.

2. Vitamin C and Zinc - Vitamin C is needed by white blood cells of the immune system to fight off viruses and bacteria. Zinc is known to play a central role in the function of the immune system, and individuals who are zinc-deficient are increasingly susceptible to a variety of pathogens. Supplementing with zinc and vitamin C is equivalent to providing the immune system with the fuel and ammunition it needs.

3. Lay Off The Sugar - Consumption of sugar has been shown to directly lower the effectiveness of the immune system. Glucose competes with vitamin C for entry into the cells, so even if you're getting enough vitamin C, sugar will prevent it from getting into the cells and doing its job.

4. Lay Off the Booze and Chemical Additives - Processed foods and alcohol put a great deal of burden on the body which will in turn lower the effectiveness of the immune system. Eat a fresh, whole foods diet that will give the body what it needs instead of making it struggle. Loading up on antioxidant rich foods, like fruits, vegetables and nuts, is another way to ensure immune system functionality.

5. EFAs - Essential Fatty Acids, particularly those from fish oil, are necessary for the body to make prosaglandins, localized hormone-like structures that boost immunity, dilate blood vessels and are anti-inflammatory.

6. Ditch the Coffee - Coffee raises cortisol levels for extended periods of time (posibly the whole day). Cortisol suppresses the immune system (see #1). You do the math. Plus if you're sweetening it with sugar or, God forbid, artificial sweeteners, you're adding yet more burden to an already flailing immune system.

7. Vitamin D - Get out in that sunshine! Vitamin D has a regulating effect on the immune system. Vitamin D deficiency leads to a greater risk of contracting inlfluenze (flu). Getting sunshine is an easy, free way to boost immunity and stave off pesky porcine influenza.

8. Probiotics - According to nutritionist Byron Richards of wellnesssresources.com, "All flu incubates and replicates in the digestive tract before moving into other areas. This means the health of your digestive tract is of primary importance." Having a proper ratio of good to bad bacteria in the digestive tract is one of the primary defenses your body has against invading pathogens. Probiotic supplementation is the best way to ensure that you've got enough of the good guys on the front lines.

9. Anti-Viral Supplements - It certainly doesn't hurt to be taking some natural anti-viral agents to help your immune system along. Foods like onion, garlic and monolaurin found in coconut oil are natural anti-bacterial and anti-viral agents (and they taste good too). A couple of drops of oil of oregano twice a day is one of my personal favourite anti-pathogens, and noni is another I've had recommended. Because plants have developed many natural compounds which act as their immune systems and many of these compounds are effective anti-viral and anti-bacterial agents for humans, there are many natural supplements out there that can serve this purpose.

10. Immune-Strengthening Herbs - Echinacea and Goldenseal both strengthen underactive immunes systems. Grape seed extract is a great antioxidant and immune system supporter, as well. According to medical intuitive Mirit Eder-Turley, "Bayberry, Boneset, Echinacea, Elder Flower, and Elder Berry, are among the herbs which can be used for the treatment of a cold, flu, fever, and upper respiratory infections."

On top of these suggestions, getting enough sleep is always important. A fatigued body can't fight off an infection. Your immune system is very energy demanding and requires a body that's well rested, well fed and well stocked with the nutrients and supplements it needs in order to function at its peak form. I'm not buying the swine flu hype, but it makes for a great excuse to prepare the immune system for an onslaught.

Disclaimer: The above is advice on keeping the immune system in functioning order, but should not be taken as medical advice. Do not use the information above for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or for prescribing medication. If you suspect a medical problem, contact your health care provider.

The Healthy Foodie is Doug DiPasquale, Holistic Nutritionist and trained chef, living in Toronto. You can email him with questions at dugdeep@gmail.com.

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