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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: CVG workers continue paralyzed Minerven...

CVG workers continue paralyzed Minerven...

posted on Apr 30, 2009 09:10PM

CVG workers continue paralyzed Minerven

Written by Jose Garcia
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Staff who work at this company require the presenceof the president of the company and claimed that they did not acceptintermediaries

Callao .- For the second consecutive day, the protest took placeat company facilities Venezuelan auriferous CVG Minerven, whereemployees of the daily and monthly payroll, requiring the cancellationof voice and bond allocations. In addition to truck drivers joined theprotest to bring material to the company who also requested payment ofthe resources identified as owed Minerven.

As you will recall, the employees of the company CVG Minerven,star of the day Wednesday, a provision requiring a demonstration ofequipment that they should be reported according to the company, inaddition to the alleged attempt to remove an added bonus andproduction, it was joined truckers who carry material to the company,who according to these workers the wheel, are owed some resources.

The unionist Elvis Soto, said yesterday morning, they took the busto a group of workers not to attend their normal work. "Workers who hadcome to pay their own material and what people are asking is that thecompany president will face. This is not a political issue, what we areproposing is to save Minerven before a possible bankruptcy. We areparalyzed because of the company, "said Soto.


In the place where workers starring the protest was submitted bythe citizen Manuel Garcia, who according to information from theaffected serves as general manager of CVG Minerven, this correspondenttried to converse with the staff to explain about the situation ofcompany and it was not possible to get a response because the officerrefused to give statements to the press. I insisted on asking what isthe company's position in this case? The officer returned to silenceand went to their offices.

Melvin Queen, secretary of the union's work and claiming Sinmioro,said, "workers in the daily and monthly payroll, we are again in thetwo gate, protesting and demanding the company pay envelopes and othersocial benefits because the company is in a delicate financial state.For the suppliers are owed over 40 billion, to transportation are notpaid for four months, we have four envelopes overdue, so we want toexplain where we were going to stop production because we know we getthat past administration left gold deposit in the company andsufficient resources and the current budget deficit is in all areas,"according to the union said.

He added that "no buses were canceled for four months and pantiesand boots are used, plus a staff can not enter because there is noequipment or provisions for entry to work, they brought some leatherboots that have no templates steel and I have been saying for a longtime, the company is evil lords. "

Pedro Fabio Arbola, who claimed to be tenant of CVG Minerven,argued that "we have no food to give to the plant and beyond politicalideology and belief, what to look for is a solution because what we areseeing is a persons without work and a state crippled by lack of food(material) in the plant. "

Meanwhile, the worker Rafael Angel Reyes said "we do not haveguarimba because we work here, let's review the president and the mayorof El Callao to address the needs of the people like drinking water.This protest was to defend the company to ruin, what we want is a quicksolution to this problem that has arisen in the company. "

Roman Trejo, believes that staff are being harassed, "we areexpecting the presence of the president because he is responsible forthis whole situation." Sergio Perez, he regretted the situation andsaid that "the representation of the company has not given to theworkers, since we have called on Wednesday for the possible solution tothe crisis and today (yesterday) is Manuel Garcia, and presented doesnot give us solutions, we ask is that Luis Herrera was present and anexplanation because this company is deteriorating every day more andmore and all things being equal, while spending company resources, "hesaid.


Hector Cabeza, who identified himself as unemployed and that hesaid has a job waiting for nine months, requested the presence of thepresident of CVG Minerven. "That gives the face a lot of time waitingbecause I have a job to support my family. Now there's a delicatesituation because the unionist War, called a gentlemen to come to thegate to fight with us and that is not what we want, this is aconfrontation and guarimba from which they have spoken, which must dois save the company is in crisis. "

Ana Graterol, who said he had 18 years of service in the companyargued that "the first time we feel a pressure so great from thismanagement took over. There is a professional engineering Toutesoutname, which he has done since joining and is hounding me reflect and Ihave nothing to do with the problems he has outside the company, I am awoman and my evaluations have been excellent and that is not just mebut with others that haunts this man is evil and we do not want in thecompany, and he has a multimillion dollar claim against the company andapparently intended to take the whole company and staff " , said theworker CVG Minerven.


Today's International Labor Day, an announcement of the company,despite the fact that in trying to talk with the representative of thecompany, this correspondent was unable to achieve even a single wordfrom the official, who apparently was not authorized to converse withthis correspondent at least.


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