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Message: Another BS article on socialism...scroll downo for the responses of Caballeros

Another BS article on socialism...scroll downo for the responses of Caballeros

posted on May 24, 2009 11:55AM
Ministers and unions discuss the crisis in basic business
Written by Editor
Saturday, May 23, 2009
To start the day, which covers three consecutive weekends, the ministers met Jorge Giordani, José Rodolfo Sanz and Khan, along with other representatives who formed the committee of the National Government.

Similarly workers participated Alcasa, Venalum, Bauxilum, Matesi, Carbonorca, Ferrominera, Comsigua and Cabelum. Governor Rangel welcomed the delegates of the National Government and waved to the representation of the workforce.

Yesterday began the meetings between the committee of ministers and workers in the industry aluminum, iron and steel that make life in Ciudad Guayana. This is part of the guidelines issued on Thursday May 21, by President Hugo Chávez Frías, as a strategy to solve the economic crisis facing them.

To start the day, which covers three consecutive weekends, the ministers met Jorge Giordani, José Rodolfo Sanz and Khan, along with other representatives who formed the committee of the National Government. Similarly workers participated Alcasa, Venalum, Bauxilum, Matesi, Carbonorca, Ferrominera, Comsigua and Cabelum. The governor of Bolivar, Francisco Rangel Gomez, was also on that day to welcome the delegates of the National Government and greet with the representation of the workforce.

These meetings aim to listen to the workers so that together with the commission of the Government identified the flaws in the work process. And that together create proposals aimed at resolving the financial crisis of the core businesses.

For maximum performance, the work tables are divided between the processes by passing the raw material of each respective company. Also, each meeting is coordinated by a minister, deputy minister or delegate of the committee of the National Government.

Referring to the work tables, the governor said at the workshop "Towards the socialist transformation of the core businesses" last Thursday, the story of Bolivar state is changing because it is the first time a president assigns a "delegation of ministers for a meeting with the workforce, so that together we will discuss how to act to change the reality of these companies. "

The governor stressed that "we must be defined as a single team to change the basic reality of companies and transform them into an alternative non-oil economic Venezuela as well be in the ability to continue to evolve, even though lower oil prices at global or a similar situation happen to now that is affecting the entire world. "

Public companies that make life in Ciudad Guayana were created according to the capitalist model, which makes failure as "best (...) we embark on the building of socialism," the president believes Regional. To do this, cree it is also necessary to transform the state in producing the raw materials these companies for the development downstream.

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Hope to be honest
aluminio01 (IP: 201,209,250,253) 2009-05-24 08:38:41

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Hope for the sake of this government GUIANA who really take seriously the critical situation of the companies that are basic and which are not only hot washcloth to deceive the people, as you see in the picture there are trade unionists who are Spooner and Jose Diaz, and I apologize but the two are a puppet who only receive orders from the government and not to defend the workers, as they do a test example Mr Spooner said to be a socialist trade unionist knows that non-payment have FMO cooperatives for more than 4 months and he has done for those trabajadors, nothing in the political show that the amount in the president caronoco am quite sure that this topic is not touched because it was the first thing they told the president not must make any kind of complaints and therefore was that the entire staff of the contractors on that day gave him the afternoon off so that might be presented in the LNO caronoco, is that socialism, the unwary who think so are not over Some pimps government, Take another example jose gil and passes it to defend the workers almost every day in newspapers, you will not leave his right hand retractable working and when you have the opportunity at this national chain and with the president, simply applaud and laugh, this is socialismo.Por secondly because the government did not invite representatives of the unions Venalum, Alcasa, carbonorca for these approaches to make their president, not because they agreement, first by national cadana know the basic problems of business and second that the president really does not believe in moving sindical.Alli les dejo eso.El having eyes that see.
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the righteous (IP: 190,198,245,217) 2009-05-24 08:43:46

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Van ten years of revolution and has not been implemented in enterprises of the state policies that provide effective results, nor have created any new company in Guyana to generate wealth and new jobs, I propose the government to create a new socialist make the most of his revolutionary government as a direct copy of the model results and transferred to other companies since left the country the Bolivarian revolution have been several trials in Alcasa and yet there is nothing that challenge to transform this company in socialist as a result of the tranfer model for other companies, not all are completed to sink.
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pokemon (Registered) 2009-05-24 08:56:03

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the righteous (Registered) 2009-05-24 08:56:50

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Van decade Rangel Gomez came to Guyana and always has been in power President of the CVG and Governor of the state and the outcome of its management has been gray, it has not implemented basic business Guayana effective policies for leaving the crisis; Kan and Sanz are not new and have yet to sample solutions that will it be now? I recommend that you take the company transformed into a socialist when positive results are transferring the model to other companies is not all complete the sink!
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I will tell EL SECRETO
the righteous (Registered) 2009-05-24 09:03:56

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Every business needs attention and investment where it is taken for partisan politics will always be a failure
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A FLOR DE PIEL EMOTA up, there are now
Venezuelan Guayana (IP: 190,198,241,140) 2009-05-24 09:22:18

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I, in contrast to q expressed here today, with no responsibility if I write q in the option of achieving change is therefore q longed not only to remove companies from the crisis, but to efficiently implement the development of downstream , there is bojote human material, there are many projects q q dusting one day he handed the once-in q was the secretary of the president, who is now the governor of this state, there are only q and talk less and do more of these should take care everyone, much criticism but no solutions are, therefore, workers showed heart in hand withthe q q as well as the president says it is playing with them, they are also jugàndosela with it, are giving the same or maybe more big vote of the said ocnfianza q q giving this to everyone you touched the heart of the fiber, a moment filled with emotion to the surface, xq for q in this region have fought for the rights of others, the people we know q Guyana employees andthe family are doing the q be large. Now if q can say we were asleep and we woke up and roaring, I Joseph, Spooner and even filthy hair, every one of all q with the thermometer factory in the hand they offer allternativa improve from within. Not wasted, but above are specific to q but not q words. You might say to President q not only in Guyana is the second state q but productive as well Vzla said, forget the support of q has been given so much, now is the time to realize people are q aki eneas. There is much to be done, much remains to be resolved. is a reminder I hora.Y PRIETO GILBERTO q Dauphiné in life towards developing downstream. You always remember. SIGAMOS PIE IN THE FIGHT IS NOW Q Q BATTLE FOR THE U.S. ARMY
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the righteous (IP: 190,204,117,190) 2009-05-24 09:56:02

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what about the outsourcing of iron orinoco
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losAscenderan to Cuartirizados! osea:
raton2 (Registered) 2009-05-24 11:24:44

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The four will give you on that ass and then become "Easement Coluntaria of the century" ...
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the righteous (IP: 2009-05-24 10:34:53

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Workers assume the idea CAPITALISTA bound for the time and now by defending his only way of life you branded as ESCUALIDOS, offered solutions to those people they are also human, nothing is required unless there are very good arrechos more than others.
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Chimpanceses Tratandoce to reach an agreement!
raton2 (Registered) 2009-05-24 11:21:48

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Chavistoides Communists, and voluntary servitude Barraganos .....

There is only one thing you have agreed:
"Companies Quebradas core" irreparable ... !!!!!

The only way to solve this crisis is that workers decide to work for free, Form marrow as Servuidumbre Volunteer .....

Dan asco Chavistoides the ..... What happened to the Economic and proofing 000 $ 100,000,000 for the Reserves who were between BCV and FONDEM ..... or continue selling the coffers of the Treasury in gold!

Chavistoides are dying slowly and matandoce among yourselves ....!
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Guanipa (Registered) 2009-05-24 13:00:51

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Rangel finally say something Socialist, analyzing the past to decide the future
(Example of the President against Obama)
Those who now defend our interests from a lifetime of work can not bear the guilt of the ways of the past, was the keynote INVEST Now SIDOR and actions were not the exception, these were purchased and provided a legal framework for SELLING YOUR PURCHASE.
We are squalid and colleagues to take positions in the company of harassment against our investment and family, men and women now violándoseles difficult to protect the right to work by the age of 53 years, contrariándoseles Article 89 and can add around those covered by Chapter V SOCIAL RIGHTS AND THE FAMILY Constitutional both, except that or those that are sustained by a survivor pension (death of spouse) as long as they comply with the law, and if they lose this other rib right or by affidavit of extreme poverty by receiving profit charitable mission MADRES DEL BARRIO O CARE ABUELO or shoving and minds of mothers in ensuring RIGHT TO FOOD IN Mercal. Total fellow friends get to 50 years is a PELA SAFE? Eye? with investments (métanse a peddler, winemaker, taxi driver) and if they meet the 60? if you do not fall into the hands of criminals? can breathe easier, with pension ishment and that means deployed so far as to queue up at the bank. In 50 I hope. UNTIL THE NEXT DELIVERY CAMARO
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COMACATE (Registered) 2009-05-24 14:10:55

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Reported to Orinoco Iron for breaching safety rules
Source: Correo del Caroni

Only members of the Union of Metal Workers and their analogues (Sutrametal-Bolivar), indicated that they have to do to nineteen claims Orinoco Iron, which recently were elected representatives of this guild. They point out that the most critical part of this debt is the legal safety and working environment.
Eliécer Tineo, secretary general, explained that "18 of this month Alfredo Maneiro Inspectorate gave us the certification of the election we did last July 17. Given the willingness of workers in assembly, it was determined that in the next few days introduce a set of compromise, as a conflict, the effects of representatives of the Orinoco Iron Company in response to the 19 items containing that statement. "
Within such claims are the medical and economic benefits that are not being offered as they should. "They have deteriorated economic conditions of workers, including debt liabilities working improperly withheld by the company, such as violation of Article 114 of the Labor Law (LOT), which refers to the payment of wages normal concepts that deal with the daily as night bonus, overtime, among others. "
Tineo also revealed that staff are hired with salary less than that in the tab. But perhaps most serious is the failure of health care because "it continues to employees by deducting a deductible, which should not pay because it is not outlined in any of its contracting parties in charge."
More difficulties
Holidays are also a problem, because the company calculated including Saturday and Sunday as part of the week, which was roundly rejected employees. Tineo appealed to comply with the provisions of the law for the sake of mass works there.
However, Pablo Ramírez, secretary of relations Sutrametal explained in more detail what happens inside factory, noting that there are 60 peers with problems resulting from the breach of safety rules at work.
"The worker must leave the passivity, we must begin the struggle to achieve the successes, there are adverse situations in the health and safety is being raised in the specifications, and are very important. There are quite critical areas such as area briquettes and material handling, which have defects in terms of deviations from safety. "
"The call alert is not to stop manipulating seek to hinder our work and are willing to undertake a struggle for the benefits violated by the company."
Ramirez said they are looking for improvement in the purchasing power of nearly a thousand employees and their quality of life and his family, as being the most important.
Critical factors
"We have a number of workers certified as occupational sick, on which the company has ignored, and is requesting the relocation of personnel specifications in other areas of the factory, are sixty employees in this situation," he said on the other hand Ramírez.
"There are workers who have enough time in some areas, this has also in view of the deterioration of the work areas and not investing in systems to protect the worker, that health is daily exposed to situations that affect and of course this results in occupational disease. "
On the other hand pointed out that the most influential factors in the deterioration of health for the mass of the Orinoco Iron are: "Exposure to pollution, temperature and work under pressure ...". Coupled with this news are not encouraging because recently Juan Rojas, one of his colleagues, died from a disease that the company apparently did not recognize.
"He worked in the same area briquetera where I work, and the same conditions that cause the disease are still present. That means that all workers in this area are exposed to the same conditions."
Regulates Leon, secretary of labor and demand, he added that the widow of this man has no survivor's pension, as the Law on Prevention, Conditions and Environment Education (Lopcymat). "The company is making more and remove them all, give their services as required by law."
Leaders reiterated the urgent need to do something to improve conditions and provide the worker with a minimum guarantee of health. Similarly explain that the best that can happen is that in a period of 30 days there is a response to the requests and there is a commitment to abide by the law. (NG)
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