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Message: They ask for to the annular TSJ the resolution of the BCV on gold

They ask for to the annular TSJ the resolution of the BCV on gold

posted on Jun 04, 2009 03:28AM
They ask for to the annular TSJ the resolution of the BCV on gold
Thursday, 04 of June of 2009

Workers and leaders of small mining, consider that the resolution of the Central bank of Venezuela, decrees the death of the towns of the south.

  • Isidro Casanova.

Workers of mining companies of the municipalities of the South, along with the mining leadership constituted themselves in a abierto town hall, in the place Bolivar, where they presented the bottom his fights against the resolution that puts under the commercialization of gold in decline of all the auriferous sector. This event they attended different representatives from municipal organisms, like Jesus Malavé, president of the Council of Sifontes, Pedro William, president of the Council of Roscio, regional deputy Nelly Frederick, Pedro Sanchez, president of the Chamber of Commerce of Sifontes and other personalities. The debate began in the morning and outpost afternoon, continued the deliberations.

Leader of the PSUV abrir an ample investigation on the resolution

To consider that the resolution of the Central bank of Venezuela that forces to sell gold to him of the municipalities of the south, letter against more than 120 thousand families of this zone, has been demanded before the Supreme Court of Justice, the cancellation of the resolution 09.04.03, by means of which, it establishes that the gold must be sold to the BCV. In this respect, the mining representation establishes that during all the history of gold, its sale has been in the free trade because pays better prices.

Rafael Log, president of the Revolutionary Front Mining of the Pebble, declared that the application of the mentioned resolution is “to until death condemn the municipalities of the South”:

- We cannot sell gold to him to the Central bank of Venezuela - he maintains because we put like example. At the moment, the gram of we sell it to gold in the free trade to 150 bolivars. When being sold it to the Central bank, we would only obtain 62,5 bolivars.

I am with the process but nonsupport irregularities

We consult to Log if a leader of the PSUV can speak thus, he is saying as it and what consequences can assume, and responded:

- Certainly, I am chavista and commissioner of the PSUV, although I do not have knowledge if the party knows the bottom of the problem that I am denouncing. I am asking that is investigated. The denunciation that I am doing obeys to that like miner, I am affected along with my family and the rest of the mining families. The Government must take into account that the exploration and extraction of gold, is not as the case of petroleum, where they explore, puts pitillo and there is petroleum. The extraction of gold does not have anything to do with the extraction of petroleum.

The Central bank of Venezuela wants all the gold

We said to Rafael Log that the Central bank of Venezuela, wants that all the producers, sell gold to him, because with this, it feeds the international reserves, to which it responded:

- If that is thus, the BCV must buy gold according to the behavior of the supply and the demand. Not forcing to us to that we are sold everything to prices inferiors to which has the free trade. The miners always we have sold gold in the free trade. This is not of now. If the BCV wants all the gold, auméntenos the price. Póngase concerning the free trade.

To involve the communal advice

Jose Manuel Brown, representing Rivas of the Mining Unit of the South, expressed that the mining workers initiated a joint work with the communal advice, so that these are added to the fights because at heart they are the same.

- The thousand of workers of the companies mines, threatened to be in the street, when the investors close, they are carrying out a work with the communal advice. The abierto, summoned town hall for yesterday, had the intention of which the districts become jumbled in the problem.

Municipal council requested explanations to the Central bank

Jesus Malavé, president of the Municipal Council, along with the vice-president, Pedro Grillet and the secretary, Elida Malavé, said that in view of the problem that has caused the resolution, they have gone to the Central bank of Venezuela, asking to him an explanation.

The resolution is violatory of the Constitution

Jose Vicente Perdomo made a exhibition against the referred resolution and he was pronounced by his elimination, alleging that he violates several articles of the Constitution, like the article 5, that says that the sovereignty of the country, resides in the town and the resolution comes, exactly against the town. Article 89 determines that no Law can establish alterations to the labor rights and in this case, thousands of workers will lose its labor positions. Article 17, that no Law can go against the quality of life of town some of Venezuela and that the activity deprived along with the public one, will arbitrate formulas to cause the well-being of the population and in this case, it is directly being affected the quality of life and the right to the work.

Taken care of with the business of the unions

Meanwhile, and in the middle of as much coincidence, a discrepancy arises, so is the case of the exposition of Franklin Quesada, social promoter of CVG Minerven that noticed that in the abierto town hall, he is only an actor or a part, pronouncing itself because the events are with all the involved beings, especially the Central bank of Venezuela. It says that the price of gold is important factor, but more important the human factor, which must be over the pays of the engineers and the businesses of the unions. It put as example the case of the Hecla company of the Camorra, “where the unionists became millionaires whereas many workers were ill, mutilated and some already has died. I ask to them the unionists if they know about the businesses that the industralists do with gold, they sell where it, whatever declare and if they pay to the state treasury. They are saying that the elimination of the resolution is by any route. I believe that those unionists are proposing another thing, inciting to the violence”.


The fault is of the Chinese Dog

Rafael Log, that went to the open town hall realised yesterday in the place Bolivar, was more direct in the presentation of the problem, expressing that Jose Dog, ex- minister of Basic Industries and Minería, and now, main director of the Central bank of Venezuela, is the culprit than he is happening. He expressed the following thing:

“The Chinese Dog” (Jose Dog, ex- minister of Mibam) “is the main culprit. We are hoping that it comes in representation of the Central bank of Venezuela, to ask to him what did with the 500 million dollars that president Hugo Chavez gave to him, when he was minister, to finance projects of small mining. That money disappeared. That gentleman, with unhealthy mind, stimulated the resolution to publish it. The 500 million dollars that the president of the republic gave to him, were for financing projects of small mining. No project was financed and the money disappeared. We deserve an explanation. We, by our part, presented/displayed 1,200 projects, which we elaborated by far sacrifice. These projects were elaborated in the tables technical and approved by Mibam and Bandes. Nothing financed. I suppose that we are in the presence of a new modality of the organized delinquency. I am calling to the beings of investigation of the Government, so that they put the glove to him to the organized delinquency.

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