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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Crystallex opened water treatment plant in Las Claritas

ahhhhhh!!!! you beat me too it!!!! nice job!!

Crystallex inaugurated plant of water treatment in the Claritas
Thursday, 18 of June of 2009

The directory of the Crystallex company, operator of the project the Cristinas, in good condition put the plant of served water treatment, in the Claritas, parish San Isidro Sifontes municipality, work that will replace the septic wells and the waste waters that surrounded the streets, becoming polluting elements of the urban atmosphere in this important mining population. The inaugural act counted on the presence of the engineer John Log, president of the Institute of nonMetallic Mines, that represented the governor, Francisco Rangel Go'mez. Doctor Elisa Páez by the ISP, and the president of the City council, Jesus Malavé the inaugural act was presided over by the engineers Robert Fung, president of the directory and Jose Felipe Cottin, president of Crystallex.

  • Isidro Casanova.

The directory of the Crystallex company, operator of the project the Cristinas, in good condition put the plant of served water treatment, in the Claritas, parish San Isidro Sifontes municipality, work that come to end the septic wells and the black waters that surrounded the streets, becoming polluting elements of the urban atmosphere in that one important mining population. The inaugural act counted on the presence of the engineer John Log, president of the Institute of nonMetallic Mines, that represented the governor of Bolivar, Francisco Rangel Go'mez. In representation of the Institute of Public Health she was doctor Elisa Páez, female leader of sanitary district 06. The City council was made represent by its president Jesus Malavé and councilmen Pedro Grillet and France Rivas.

The inaugural tape was cut by the engineers Robert Fung, president of the directory and Jose Felipe Cottin, president of Crystallex. The act was realised in an ample patio of the mentioned plant, where they were present numerous spokesmen of communal advice of the parish, as well as directive of cooperatives and public of the sectors that benefit with this work.

Engineer Andres Brito, representative of the management of constructions of the company, said that the plant of served water treatment, is fit to international national norms, indicating in addition that this work comprises of the agreements subscribed between the Crystallex company and the CVG.

When describing the work, expressed that initially a pumping system was constructed that leaves from main the 10, soon construction of near 10 kilometers of pipes of 10 and 12 inches, tubes that cross the neighboring streets of the Claritas and towns. They had to move 10 million cubic meters of earth. Its capacity is for processing 200 thousand liters of water per day, with disposition for future extensions. The cost on passes the 900 thousand bolivars strong.

They construct modern hospital

It referred Cottin engineer who also this in final phase of construction, the modern integral medical center in the Claritas. It emphasized that these works affect the improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants. Once finished the inauguration of the treatment plant, there was a route by the hospital that is in construction. Immediately afterwards there was an inspection to the ambulatory one of the Claritas, in which Crystallex in good condition realises important contributions from the moment of its putting.

Uses are more important that it trains

The engineer Robert Fung, president of the board of directors of Crystallex, spoke in English, with translation of a lady.

- In the 2002 - he said was agreed with CVG, the assumption of the project the Cristinas, with the condition for developing a social work set, which is those that we are putting in good condition. We want the construction of the mine the Cristinas, but also he animates the generation to us of uses. I am moved very to be here.

They fulfill clauses subscribed with CVG

The engineer Luis Felipe Cottin, president of Crystallex said that the work corresponds to the execution of the commitments contracted with CVG.

- Part of our mission - he said is to take services to the bordering communities. We are it jeopardize in realising works that look for the preservation of the environment, which constitutes to stimulate better standards of life of the inhabitants. We want to develop the industry, but at the same time, is to us from much interest, the life of the inhabitants of the Claritas and its environs. The recycling of the plant can in the future, to give by-products that could be used for the development of agriculture. This plant, constructed by the company, is now in good condition of the community.

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