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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Anger toward Chavez and V Government

Anger toward Chavez and V Government

posted on Jun 29, 2009 03:18PM

I would ask what purpose bashing Chavez and the Venezuelan government has on this board. We are invested in a company who’s only real asset lies in Venezuela. Crystallex is actively negotiating (hopefully) for the permit or buyout. What useful purpose does the constant name calling and bashing serve? Many left the yahoo board for this reason. Don't sink yourself to their level.

While I would hope the V government has more to do than read message boards, but try goggling Crystallex\KRY, half the hits come to message boards or Vheadline. Once again what useful purpose does this type of bashing serve? While it may be a good stress relief, it really serves no useful purpose or enhances the board in any way.

If you believe bashing Chavez and Venezuela in public will have some positive effect on events you should probably sell whatever shares you have left. When your only hope outside of a lawsuit is a deal with a third party typically it is a good idea not to insult the person or persons while negotiating.

Now many feel correctly a message board like this is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. I tend to agree. I just like to play it safe than sorry. While I feel the same frustration as many investors I also know who is calling the shots. It’s not Fung, it’s not us, its Chavez.

Grow up or get out. Peace!!

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