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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: PDVSA discovered large reserves of natural gas worldwide (Venezuela)

Re: PDVSA discovered large reserves of natural gas worldwide (Venezuela)

posted on Sep 13, 2009 10:32PM

What really bugs me is the fact they don't have the technology, ambitions or drive to find it themselves in their own country run by incompetent idiots, but when a transnational they invite to tender, award contract and concession, companies then invest capital and know-how, invested by their company with the help of their capitalist investors and shareholders to help these lazy corrupt fools find their natural resources, they in turn try to change the rules, manipulate sentiment and public opinion, attempt to steal all for themselves and other corrupt parties or countries in the name of political agenda, this country is run by criminals of the worst type period, and if they are supported by a majority in their country, then the majority of this sick country need to be painted with the same brush, complacence, lazy, corrupt, enabling thieves that prefer to rub shoulders with their "show me your friend" dictators and terrorist supporters, in the end they get what they deserve and you and I still live in a country with some semblance of freedom and integrity and will be the first to stand and fight to keep it that way.

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