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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Question regarding Manipulation

Bull 23 Welcome to my world of confusion been going on for some time.

I am thinking that the MMs are grinding out a few percentage points whenever they can and they probably double their investment or gain in about a year. They have an advantage, they know what they are doing. Nobody retail is going to invest if they think they see a chart where the price is not ever going to go over .25 Also someone could be doing this to throttle down any potential financing arrangements. You could most likely blame someone connected to VZ as it seems they have the most to gain by our demise, But wait..........aren't they are supposed to be in business with us? Meet the Fockers!

My gut says Venezuelan politicians and ministers are a bunch of crooks with a big idiot in charge, we are negotiating with these knumbskuls and nothing is happening...............you just have to hope for an reasonable outcome.

Sorry about venting feels good. Hondo.

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