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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: CHECK THIS OUT!Invasion of concessions makes difficult the investment


Once the president of the Republic, Hugo Chavez announced the disposition of the national Government to operate the auriferous resources of the country, invited foreign investors to comprise of strategic associative companies for the operation of gold, bringing like answer that numerous representatives of international companies, began to visit the zone, attracted by the force of gold and the presidential call.

Russian investors, of the Agapov group who have done important investments in this sector in Venezuela and others, have been visiting the Claritas, of the Sifontes municipality, where are the projects the Cristinas and Brisas of the Cuyuni, both great auriferous deposits, considered like a greatest of the world, where they have observed problems of invasion of the concessions of these projects, causing certain downheart to invest to them.

The Russian investors have seen the invasions

The invasions in the project the Cristinas are as an older person dates, practically since the industrialist Amalfi Grossi, already passed away, initiated the operation of gold. The concession of the project Breezes of the Cuyuni, that stayed without invaders, has inquired that now already are lots into the hands of independent miners who laboriously, are removing earth, looking for gold. According to the information that is had, this concession did not have invaders, but since it announced that the Venezuelan State would rescue all the auriferous concessions, abrió the appetite to the miners and they began to put.

One inquired that groups of Russian investors have been flying over the zone and have seen the affectations of the concessions on the part of invaders. An industrial source informed that this problem has taken to the Russian investors, to reconsider the projects that initially thought to develop. The industrialists consider that to clean the concessions of invading miners, she is difficult.

An investment of many million

The beginning of the development of these projects can delay a time, because aside from the problem of the invasions of the concessions, the investment is high. Placer Dome that was the previous operating company of the Cristinas, considered that to develop the deposit, an investment was required superior to the 700 million dollars. Later calculations, done by Crystallex, esteem that the investment will surpass the 500 million dollars. A similar investment, requires the project Breezes of the Cuyuni.

There it is the gold

Good part of the auriferous resources of both projects is inventoried. The gold deposits that exist there, are numerous and it attracts disclosed invaders and when being, they hope that the attraction is also of the investors. Geology reports that both projects have gold deposits by near the 30 million ounces of gold.

Only in sands, in the Cristinas there is a fortune to be useful. For more than 20 years, there were equipment processing material auriferous. The rusticity of the equipment, caused that good part of gold was in the calls tails. Which inquired that the high tenor of the tails attracted the attention of company CVG Minerven of the Pebble, sent a fleet of trucks to transport those sands to process them, operation that allowed the monitoring it of the Cristinas, because the Ministry of the Atmosphere not yet has emitted the order of advantage of the resources nor the truck drivers presented/displayed you order superiors. The trucks had to return empty.

The permissions can end the invasions

Antonio Rivas with Pablo Zambrano and the other managers of the Mining Unit of the South, maintain that the invasions of the Cristinas and Brisas of the Cuyuni, stop the day that to the small miner to him auriferous parcels of good tenor grant, otherwise, the independent miner will continue looking for gold and will have little to do the conditions in that are the areas where they enter. They stress our informants who must be arranged solutions of the Basic ministries of Industries and Mining and Atmosphere, so that simultaneously they leave both definitive permissions, authorizing the small miner, the advantage of gold alluvium or the one that is in the subsoil.

You put the money

About the future investments in projects of auriferous operation, the Government maintains the supply related to the constitution of enterprise strategic associations. In this respect, the president of the republic Hugo Chavez, advanced that in the future strategic associations, the State will put the mines and the investors the money.

Aldrín Towers, that part of the management of CVG Minerven forms, expressed that they have initiated the conformation of a census to determine the material and human resources that there are in the municipalities of the South, with a view to the future hirings in the starting of both auriferous projects, the Cristinas and Brisas of the Cuyuni. Towers are certainly the referred projects will start at any time.

With respect to both projects, it expressed that the same will be rescued totally by the State, indicating that the concession of the project Breezes of the Cuyuni, won and the goods that are there revert to the State without needing indemnification and with respect to the Cristinas, whose concession is of the CVG, it said that the same is in revision, including the operation contract that has Crystallex, that is a Canadian company.

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